Chapter 22

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The San Diego Wave won their next three games. Today was their second to last game. The Reign were in town. The Wave would still be in the playoffs win, lose, or tie, but a win would put them in solid second, bump the Reign down to third and they would automatically make it to the Semi-Finals.

Andy paced the hotel room she was in. Chloe was in the bathroom and as she came out, she stopped in her tracks and watched the girl in front of her. "What are you doing?" Chloe asked. Andy turned her head towards the voice but didn't stop pacing.

"Huh? Oh. I'm just...I'm fine." Andy said, clearly nervous but not wanting to show it.

"Sure. Yeah. And I'm the President of the United States." Chloe said sarcastically. She sported an unamused look on her face but Andy didn't notice. If she did, she definitely didn't say anything about it. "That's not what I asked though, Levi." Chloe sat on her bed and watched her friend. She knew eventually she would talk even if it took a few minutes.

"Ok so maybe I'm a little nervous." Andy said.

There it is. Chloe thought. "About?"

"About? About one of the biggest games in the league so far. Well maybe not the biggest but hey it's pretty close." Andy said.

"Andy you're going to burn a hole in the rug if you keep pacing like this." Chloe said. She rarely used Andy's first name so this made her turn and face Chloe. Andy looked down at her feet. She played with her fingers.

"You never call me that." Andy said quietly. Chloe took a deep breath.

"I needed to get your attention." Chloe said. "It's hard to do that sometimes." She smiled softly and Andy looked up. Chloe patted the spot next to her. Andy reluctantly sat down. "So. What are you nervous about?" Andy looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"I...I know that even if we lose today we still have a chance to make the playoffs. But I really want to win. The team has been on a winning streak and I want to keep it going. I know it'll all be ok but I still want it. I want it for us." Andy said. "We are one of the new expansion teams. How cool would it be if we won it all? Our first year and we are the champions." She laughed lightly and looked down at her hands.

"That would be cool." Chloe said softly. "I want that too. For us to win. To win it all." She turned towards Andy. "But I know that that's not the only thing on your mind." Andy began bouncing her leg. "We've been hanging out and been friends for enough time now that I know basically everything about you. So, what else?" Andy looked at her but quickly looked away.

Andy thought about what she wanted to say. She took a deep breath before speaking. She looked down again and played with her fingers. "I uh...I got a text from Theo the other day." Andy said. Chloe nodded. "She's done." Chloe gave her a confused look. "She's not playing anymore. Her career is over."


"Tobin. She'll be ok. There's not much that can stop her. She'll bounce right back." Alex said to her pacing fiancé. They were going to receive a text or call from Hope any minute now about her injury. Well, what will happen after her injury's healed? Tobin nodded. Suddenly, her phone rang. Tobin looked at Alex. She gave Tobin a nod and Tobin picked up her phone. She put it on speaker.

"Hey, Hope. How are you?" Tobin said.

"Hey Tobs. I'm pretty good. I've been better but pretty good right now." Hope's voice said through the phone. "How are you guys?"

"We uh...we're good. Alex is here too." Tobin said.

"Hey, Hope!" Alex said.

"Hey, Baby Horse." Hope said.

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