Welcome Home

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Merlin was dead on his feet. 

This was by far the longest day of his life. Both he and Arthur had been up since sunrise, greeting multiple royal families; who were going to be calling Camelot home for the next few weeks. Arthur decided to wait until the very last minute to inform the warlock that Camelot was hosting a festival. A festival full of banquets, contests, entertainment, and anything else one could imagine. Thankfully, there was only one family left to welcome, and then Merlin would hopefully make his way to his bed, and sleep for a day or two. Strangely, he noticed, Arthur seemed to be much more antsy for this family than any of the others.

"Are you all right, Sire? You seem very....anxious." Merlin asked him, slightly amused. This was a very different Arthur than he'd grown accustomed to since becoming his servant.

"Do I?" The prince asked, stopping his pacing abruptly. "I'm rather excited if you must know, Merlin."

"Other than for the occasional hunting trip, I don't think I've ever seen you like this."

"That would be because Arthur has not seen the lovely Princess Adeline for quite some time, Merlin," Guias chuckled, walking up to the duo. "They were inseparable as children. Getting into all kinds of mischief around the castle grounds. If I recall correctly, Uther caught them one time trying to sneak some cakes from the kitchens before dinner. He was not very happy."

"Oh, I see," Merlin grinned, crossing his arms as the prince's face reddened in embarrassment. "It's a woman that makes you this way. Nothing to be ashamed of there, Arthur."

"Shut up, Merlin."

Arthur's eyes darted towards the gate, seeing in the distance a carriage that was surely bringing the Dartmouth family towards the castle. It was true what Giaus said. He missed the Dartmouth's daughter greatly. They had been inseparable when they were children. Getting into all kinds of mischief around the castle, messing with the cooks in the kitchens, reorganizing the books in the library, hiding Uther's possessions; his father would get so mad. Arthur couldn't help but snicker when he reminisced about it. The little, care-free girl he loved so deeply back then was finally coming back, and he couldn't be happier about it. That was eight long years ago. What if she was different? What if she didn't remember him the way he hoped?

"Don't be ridiculous," Arthur mumbled to himself, shaking his head to get rid of the unfortunate thoughts.

"Did you say something?" Merlin asked. "You know, talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity."

"Very funny," Arthur huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. His heartbeat dramatically increased once the carriage halted at the bottom of the stone steps.

Merlin observed the king and prince to his right while another servant opened the carriage door. The first to appear before them was the king and queen, Merlin assumed. Both beamed at the castle before turning back towards the carriage to help out a young child who could not have been older than six-years-old. The child, a dirty-blond-haired boy, gaped at the giant castle before him. After the little boy, a much older, taller, well-built man, stepped out of the carriage and joined his family.

"Richard, Mary, it's so good to see you!" To Merlin's surprise, Uther gave the couple the biggest smile he'd ever seen. He immediately joined the family of four down below, welcoming the king and queen with handshakes and hugs. Something that was very uncharacteristic of the king of Camelot. "My friends, it has been far too long!"

"I couldn't agree more," the man, Richard, laughed.

"Arthur, my dear, do not look so sullen," Mary laughed up at the blond prince. "She's on her way."

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