A Flaw in the Plan

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"What do you mean you've got all the wedding planning done?" Arthur asked, completely dumbfounded. "Aren't women supposed to spend weeks, if not months, making sure all the details are foolproof before choosing a date in a few months time? It's only been a day and a half."

"If you recall, Arthur, you were the one who said you were tired of waiting and gave me the go ahead. You never gave me any restrictions or were specific about what you wanted," the Fake-Adeline said, sitting on the fountain's edge in the middle of the garden. "I thought you would be happy I, along with my mother, was able to get everything in order so soon."

"I am happy, Ada," he insisted, mentally kicking himself. His Adeline was right, the plan he and Merlin came up with was awful. "Just surprised, is all."

"I understand," her fingers delicately fiddled with the rose petals. "Getting married is a big deal. Committing yourself to one person for the rest of your life isn't something you do all willy-nilly."

No kidding.

Arthur refrained from rolling his eyes, having the strangest feeling she was catching on that he knew she wasn't Princess Adeline, but Petra Brewer pretending to be her. A ridiculous thought, but he couldn't let anything slip. Not now, at least.

Under normal circumstances Arthur would be over the moon at the thought of marrying Ada in two days. He'd marry her right now if he could, but knowing he had to pretend to go through the motions of marrying someone responsible for the kidnapping and torturing the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with; that was nothing to celebrate. Yes, there was also the impending plot to kill his father and overthrow the kingdom, but at the moment that didn't matter quite as much.

"Your father has also expressed his support for my decisions and has told the servants to prepare for the ceremony in two days' time."

"You've already spoken to my father about this?" Arthur asked, eyes wide in surprise. "You didn't think I, the man you're marrying, should be the first person you confide in when dealing with such matters?"

"I wanted to, but you were busy yesterday," she replied matter-of-factly.

Arthur sighed. He wanted to think the plan to reveal the impostor to everyone in the castle, tell them what happened to Ada, and make sure they were punished justly was flawless, but that seemed to be more and more unlikely with every passing moment. Especially now that the wedding was on the way. Fortunately, Ada was getting stronger, much stronger, and almost back to her normal self. Physically anyway. The mental scars were going to take much longer to heal.


Meanwhile, back in the court physician's chambers after a very tearful reunion, Chloe was busy braiding Ada's hair describing just how terrible Petra treated her the last few days. All the while, Anna was sitting across from her sister, cross-legged in the cot, telling her all about how she was the one who really found and rescued her from her kidnappers.

"I told them, day after day, they needed to patrol the pathway just beyond the river, but they didn't listen. Not until Wolfe and I went out there ourselves and found you."

"Thank you for not giving up on me, Anna" Adeline hugged her sister tightly. "I don't know what would have happened if you did."

"I'd never give up on you, Ada," Anna said. "Even when the other "Adeline" came here. I knew something was wrong. No one can replace you."

"She's a bloody nightmare, is what she is," Chloe added, tying the end of the braid on the top of the princess' head. "You should have heard the way she talked about your clothes and those who tried helping her. Petra has to be one of the most vial people I've ever come into contact with."

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