Gwaine is a Liar and Endangers Children

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The four young adults spun towards the door in Arthur's chambers. Arthur, Adeline, Chloe, and Merlin had been discussing their next plan of action, when Anna, along with Wolfe, burst into the room.

"Ada, you're not going to believe what Wolfe and I saw!" Anna exclaimed, chest heaving as if she'd run all the way from wherever it was they'd come from.

"Don't forget what we heard," Wolfe added. "You're never going to believe what we saw."

"You weren't hurt, were you?" Adeline asked, kneeling down in front of her sister, running her fingers through her sweaty and very dirty hair.

What mess did they get into this time?



"What does Wolfe mean by that, Anna?" Adeline interrogated.

Anna finally persuaded her parents to let go about the castle without anyone keeping any eye on her. It took a few days, but eventually, she wore them down. So, of course, the first thing she did with her new-found freedom was head straight to Wolfe and tell him the great idea she had. Immediately, the boy agreed to join her on her "expedition."

The day prior, Anna and her little brother, Nic, were roaming around outside of the castle, when they stumbled upon a group of knights training at the field. Immediately, Nic wanted to go watch what they were doing. He grabbed his sister's wrist, pulling her toward the fence encircling the men practicing with their swords and fists. Anna couldn't keep the smile off her face at the sight of her brother, watching the knights with great admiration. There was no doubt he wanted to follow in their older brother's footsteps.

Close to them, at the edge of the field, Anna caught sight of a familiar face. The funny, long-haired Camelot knight, who liked drinking a lot at dinner. He was leaning against the fence, sword resting against his leg, as he went into an animated tale of some kind. Arm gestures included.

'....swear it was the size of a bear. With a coat as white as freshly fallen snow," he told his fellow knight.

"Gwaine, you know there are no unicorns in Camelot," the other one laughed at the thought of such a magical creature lurking somewhere in the forest.

"You know that's not true, Gregory," Gwaine said. "Remember, Arthur told us he killed one himself."

"You and I both know Arthur stretches the truth every now and again."

"What did you say about a unicorn?" Anna interrupted. Gwaine and Gregory spun towards the little girl, beelining straight for them. Nic was right behind her. "Where did you see it? We don't have any where we come from."

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop, little girl?" the knight, Gregory, sneered at her.

"Calm down," Gwaine held a hand up to him. "She's just a curious little thing. You're Princess Adeline's little sister aren't you? Anna, right?"

"That's right, and you're the funny knight who drinks a lot," Anna replied, crossing her arms.

"You're funny," Gwaine snickered.

"So....this unicorn you were talking about," she raised an eyebrow at him.

"In the forest outside the city walls, there is a stream that flows into a small lake. The other day a few of us went out hunting. I heard something in the bushes just past the bank of the lake, so I told the others to stay put while I flush the creature out. When I went through the bushes, instead of a deer or boar like I believed it to be, I saw a beautiful unicorn."

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