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Early the next morning, Arthur woke with a jolt. It took a few seconds for the prince to remember exactly where he was, for he briefly imagined the previous day had only been a dream. A dream where Anna showed him where Ada was. The real Ada was. A dream where he not only rescued her from such a repulsive place, but a dream where he also helped Gaius in any way he could while treating her wounds.

But it hadn't been a dream. Not even close. Once Arthur shook the cobwebs from his head, it all came rushing back to him. He had indeed rescued the woman whom he loved so dearly and helped make her more comfortable so she could heal and recover properly.

"I'm surprised you're still here," Gaius walked into the main chamber. "I was certain you would have retired to your room for a more comfortable night's sleep."

"I'm fine sleeping here," Arthur insisted, brushing the princess' hair away from her sweaty forehead. "Thank you for all you did last night, Gaius."

"It is my job, sire," the elderly man bowed his head slightly. "I hope it was enough. I have never seen so many horrid injuries, all on one person. Now, all we can do is wait until she wakes up."

"I'm sure it was," Arthur said. "Do you have any idea when she might wake?"

"It's all up to the princess," Gaius answered. "And thank you for watching over her. Very rarely do I get a chance to sleep in after work. I feel like a whole new man."

"Of course," Arthur said. "If anyone in Camelot deserves a break, it's you. I don't know how you do it."

"Years of practice," Gaius chuckled, slipping on his robe. "If you don't mind, I was going to go grab something to eat from the kitchens."

"Not at all, Gaius," Arthur nodded. "Take your time. I have to figure out how to interact with our impostor in the castle."

"I do not envy you, Arthur," Gaius left the room with another laugh. "I will be back shortly."

"Oh, Ada," Arthur sighed once Gaius exited the room. "What am I going to do? I don't know how I'm going to maintain my composure when it comes to your impostor. It's going to be next to impossible pretending everything is fine and back to normal when you are lying here, fighting."

"Do you think she can hear you?" Merlin asked, yawning as he came down the stairs. "Where's Gaius?"

"He went to get some breakfast."

"Oh, that makes sense," the younger man scratched his head. "As far as your acting skills, I'm sure you'll be fine. Just don't blow the we know you aren't really the princess bit."

"Really, Merlin? I shouldn't ruin the plan right out of the gate?" Arthur replied snarkily. "While I play nice with the impostor in the castle, I need you to stay here. Help Gaius with whatever he needs and report to me immediately if Ada's condition changes."

"Is that your way of saying I have the day off?" Merlin asked.

"If that's how you want to interpret it," Arthur pressed his lips to Adeline's forehead. "I'll be back, my love. Stay strong for me."


The fresh cotton sheets were too nice to get out of bed. The woman snuggled further and further into the goose-feather pillows, letting out a sigh of pleasure. She could get used to this every day for the rest of her life. The luxurious life, just as she always dreamed of.

Eventually, the growing hunger in her stomach won out, and the young woman rose to her feet. Her eyes quickly found a single tray full of fresh fruits, a few sausages, and warm muffins. Chloe must have dropped it off while she was still sleeping.

Bless her.

Once she had her fill, the woman opened the wardrobe to see a vast array of dresses. Ranging from rather simple to overly extravagant.

"Not very colorful, are you?" she asked, browsing through the gowns in multiple shades of blues, greens, purples and the occasional red. "No matter. Nothing a little magic can't fix."

As she tied her hair on the top of her head, the woman cautiously opened the chamber doors, peaking around to see if anyone else was wandering the corridors at this hour. The coast was clear. Now, to explore the rest of the castle. She'd only seen so much of it before, so now would be the perfect time to get her bearings before too many people were out and about, asking her way too many questions.

Sunrays shone brightly through the windows lining the castle walls by the time she made it to the ground floor. The bright pink fabric of her gown swished around her ankles as she halted her pace at the sight of the man coming towards her. Instantly, the young woman's mouth turned dry and her hands became sweaty. Butterflies danced in her chest. She would never get over just how handsome the prince was.

"Ada," he greeted her with a tiny smile. "I'm glad to see you up and walking around. I take it you're feeling better?"

"So much better," she grinned. "Thank you. It's amazing what a good night's sleep and a full stomach can do."

"I can imagine," Arthur shook his head in understanding.

What the bloody hell is she wearing? Arthur could have sworn his left eyebrow twitched as the impostor approached him. There is no way Ada had that in her closet.

"Arthur, are you all right?" The impostor asked.

"I'm sorry," he shook his head. "I'm just amazed at how well you're doing after just one day. It's a miracle."

I cannot wait to pile her body along with the rest of the accomplices into a giant pile and watch them burn.

"It's almost like magic," she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I was so worried I was never going to see you again."

"Don't worry, my love, you're back and safe now," he muttered into her hair. She doesn't even smell the same. "Have any of your memories returned?"

"No," she pulled back. "I'm sorry."

"They will come, I'm sure," Arthur squeezed her hands in reassurance. "Petra?"

The impostor's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry?"

"Petra Brewer," Arthur said. "Haven't seen her or the rest of the Brewers in weeks. Isn't that a little strange? Everyone else announced they were leaving, but they didn't. It's just....stange."

"Oh," the impostor sighed. "That is a little strange, but I'm sure they just went home. You really shouldn't worry too much about it."

"I suppose."

"Sire," the couple turned to see a tired Merlin race towards them. "I- I um, Gaius has that thing you needed for the training you were planning on doing with the knights."

"Wonderful. Thank you, Merlin," Arthur beamed, turning his attention to the woman in his arms. "Ada, I've been thinking lately, after you've been kidnapped, I don't want us to wait any longer. I want us to get married as soon as possible. Why don't you and your mother start planning?"

"Really," she squealed in delight, stars practically shining in her eyes.

"Of course," he pulled away. "I can't wait to see what you come up with. Take your time, too. I know that you want our wedding celebration to be perfect."

"You can count on me," she quickly turned, making her way back through the hallway.

"That was way easier than I thought it would be," Arthur commented, letting out a deep breath as he followed Merlin back towards the Court Physician's chambers. 


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The next chapter is going to be fun. 
Buckle up!

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