To Save the Princess

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Arthur stood facing his knights with Leon and Gwaine at his sides. Due to the increase of patrol duties, training was put on the back burner. Once Uther caught wind of how poor the knight's ability became after the lack of training exercises, the king told his son to begin intensive weapons training, much to the knight's displeasure. Arthur wanted to smack his head against the nearest wall with what he was witnessing unfold before him.

"This is embarrassing," Gwaine stated the obvious. "Uther is going to have our heads."

"Which is why we have to make sure the men get whipped into shape as quickly as possible," Arthur rubbed his temples. "Some of them aren't even holding their swords correctly. How does this happen almost overnight?"

"Beats me," Gwaine shrugged. "One thing's for certain, however; I will never be one of those poor saps. My skills are, and will always be, top notch."

"Keep telling yourself that, Gwaine," Leon chuckled, squinting at something moving in the distance. "What is that?"

Arthur looked in the direction Leon was. Two figures came running towards them on the training field, and at quite the speed from what the prince could tell. Soon enough, the familiar faces of Anna Dartmouth and Wolfe Hayes came into view. Their chests heaving and faces red from running from what he believed to be a long distance. Anna, unlike Wolfe, had dried tears on her cheeks.

"Anna," Arthur groaned as the little princess launched herself into his arms, shoulders shaking letting him know she was crying again. "Anna, what happened? What's wrong? Where were you?"

"I- I told you!" the girl cried into his shirt. ""I told you where the cottage was and no one went there! You were right! Whoever is in my sister's bed is not her."

"Wolfe," Arthur turned his attention to the boy. "What is she talking about?"

"We found the real princess," the three older men gaped at Wolfe's statement. "She's alone in the cottage Anna and I found before. We have to go and save her!"

"Wolfe, go find Merlin," Arthur ordered the boy. "And keep this between us. No one else is to know there is an impostor in the castle. Leon. Gwaine. Get a few horses ready. Anna, you go and find Chloe and-"

"No," the girl shoved him away. "I told you about the cottage and none of you went to it. I am going with you, so you can find my sister."

"It's too dangerous."

"Screw the danger!" Anna exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. "My sister is dying!"

"Anna," Arthur gripped her shoulders. "Keep your voice down. All right, fine. You can lead us to Ada, but as soon as we get there you come straight back here. Do you understand me?"

"Perfectly," Anna pulled away from the prince's grasp. "Can we go now? It's been long enough."

Fortunately for the young princess, Merlin was making his way towards the small group with great haste. He looked to be out of breath, Anna assumed Wolfe found him on the other side of the castle.

"Looks like you need to do some training with them, Merlin," Anna cracked a smile. "Your running skills are less than standard."

"When did you get so snooty?" Merlin asked, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"Doesn't matter," Arthur interjected. "We leave now. Anna, you ride with Gwaine. He'll escort you back when we get there."

"Ugh," the girl threw her head back in disgust. "Anyone but Gwaine."

"What's that supposed to mean?" the long-haired knight asked, clearly offended by the girl's tone.


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