The Joust

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"Are you ready, my lady?"

The final day of the festival arrived. And with it, the excitement of the final contest, the well-beloved joust. The most well-sought contest of the entire event. Only eight knights were chosen. Some might say, they were the top eight knights across the board, ready to go against one another in the most exciting competition of the year. To the citizens of Camelot anyway. 

Adeline didn't think so. 

In her opinion, sword fighting was way more impressive. But that wasn't going to stop her from attending. Not that she had much of a choice. With both Arthur and her brother competing, it would have been seen as very poor taste.

Not only that, but her parents and Uther finalized the contract. Not her and Arthur's, thank the Lord. But a contract nonetheless, stating what the union between her and Arthur would mean for the two kingdoms. Because of this, Uther was to announce to the citizens of Camelot the joining of the two.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she answered, placing her crown on her head. "One more tournament to sit through and one more banquet to splurge upon. How can I not be ready?"

"You make a point," Chloe laughed, finishing off the braid in Adeline's hair. "I have eaten more food in the last three weeks than the previous year, it feels like."

"If I have to eat another roasted boar again in the next six months, it will be too soon," the princess added.

"I'm sure you'll have some at the wedding, Ada."

"Arthur and I will not be wed for quite some time yet, unfortunately. But that will give my stomach time to recover. I will have to discuss the menu with the kitchen staff beforehand. Just in case."

"As long as there is wine, you can serve eel for all I care," Chloe snickered.

"That's oddly specific, Chloe," Adeline spun around in the mirror. "You are amazing, you know that right?"

"It's a gift," the maidservant smiled at her work. "It does help to have a beautiful model to work with. Come on, we're already late."

The stands were packed for one final time. Jousting was a popular event in Camelot, it seemed. Adeline never understood the appeal, but she couldn't say in when it came to attending. Not when Uther was making such an important announcement.

The eight knights competing in the final event sat on horseback, heads held high, waiting for the king to speak. Arthur and Johnathan sat in the very middle, flanked by Leon and Gwaine. Beside Leon was Andrew, the man who made Adeline's skin crawl no matter how many people told her she was overreacting. Followed by the remaining three unnamed knights finishing off the line.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Camelot," Uther's voice boomed. "Guests of neighboring kingdoms. Today, we conclude our weeks of comradery and celebration with a well-loved tournament. The joust!"

Cheers erupted from every direction. Adeline could have sworn her home heard it hundreds of miles away.

"Yes, yes, yes," Uther chuckled, silencing the excited subjects. "We've had an exciting time together. And before we begin, I would like to make an important announcement. The kingdoms of Camelot and Daria are thrilled to share the union between the lovely Princess Adeline and your very own Prince Arthur."

A second round of applause and cheers.

Arthur trotted over to her where she rose to her feet, smiling widely at him. What was once a young girl's dream to marry her knight-in-shining-armor would soon become a reality.

"Good luck, Artie," she said once he pulled up in front of her, kissing her knuckles. "Show those knight's who's boss."

"You know I will," he replied.

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