About Time

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Who's ready for a super long chapter?
I hope the wait was worth it. 😄


Where is she? Arthur thought for the hundredth time in twenty minutes. His eyes darting back and forth between the door and his knights as they talked about the sword fight tomorrow.

They were good company and all, but he wanted to get Ada, and get her alone. He'd waited long enough to tell her how he felt, and tonight was the perfect time to do it.

"-and then Arthur shot the deer right through the center of its face." Gwaine laughed, drunkenly. "That was a good hunt wasn't it, Sire?"

"Indeed," he agreed, averting his attention again. Still no Adeline. "We'll have to go on another once the festival is over."

"Looking forward to it," the knight finished off another goblet of meade. "Now, lads. The actual meaning of these sorts of things, where are all the beautiful princesses?"

"Do you think of anything other than alcohol, women, and hunting?" Leon asked.

"What else is there to think about?" Gwaine chuckled. "Those are the top three priorities in life are they not?"

"You are an interesting fellow, Sir Gwaine," one of the visiting knights stated.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Gwaine faked taking offense. "Stick with me these few weeks, gentlemen, and I will be sure to show you a good time."

"Don't scare them off," Arthur snickered. "Our guests have only been here a day."

"I'd hope it would take more than my antics to scare them off," he said. "You're knights for a reason."

"You Camelot knights are not what I expected," the others agreed.

"Don't let your opinions of us be determined by this fool, alone." Leon commented. "The rest of us are normal."

"Hey now, Leon," Gwaine said. "I resent that. Anyway, back to business. Who are the lucky ladies that get to be graced by our presence tonight?"

Arthur sighed inwardly. He needed to find a way to get away from this bunch. Nothing good came from Gwaine's escapades. Yet, when he looked around the large room again, his princess was nowhere to be found.

"My word, an angel has just fallen from Heaven," Arthur turned his attention towards Gwaine's gaze. His stomach dropped and his throat dried immediately. "If you'd excuse me, lads. I've found my-"

"You'll do no such thing," Arthur smacked the dark-haired man in the chest

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"You'll do no such thing," Arthur smacked the dark-haired man in the chest.

"What's gotten into you? You never care who I set my sights on. What's this woman to you?" Gwaine asked him.

"That's your future queen, Gwaine," Leon answered for the prince. "I'd watch your tongue if I were you."

"Oh," Gwaine flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Sire. If I had known-"

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