Revenge is Sweet

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With every step Adeline took, the wider the eyes of her doppelgangers became. Ada couldn't help but smirk at the young woman. There was no way Petra expected to see her again. She must have believed Adeline was a ghost by the pure look of terror on her face.

Yet, there she was.

Very much alive.

"This-this is preposterous!" Petra stuttered, watching Adeline come straight towards her. "Guards! Do something!"

"Stand down," Arthur replied, holding up his hand to the knights reaching for their swords.

"Arthur?" Uther questioned his son's actions in utter confusion.

"Arthur, you have to let them stop that person pretending to be me!" Petra cried, her arms trying but failing to grab onto the prince's arm.

"Oh, I plan on it," the prince couldn't help but grin as Ada joined them at the front of the room.

"Of all the colors to use for a wedding pretending to be me, you went with salmon pink," Adeline shook her head in disgust. "That should have thrown everyone who knows me, even a little bit, that something was amiss."

"I tried to tell them," Anna announced from beside Mary and Richard. "But no one listens to me."

"That's a beautiful ring. Mind if I take a look," Adeline continued, her eyes never leaving Petra's.

Before Petra even had a chance to protest, Ada pulled the blood red ring off her finger. She dropped it onto the floor, and crushed it into a dozen pieces with the heel of her boot. Instantly, the Adeline doppelganger shrunk back to her petite size, and the mousy features of Petra Brewer bubbled to the surface for all the patrons to see.

"Hello, Petra."

"Princess," the utter look of surprise was quickly replaced with hatred, her eyes glancing back at Beatrice. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Funny story about that," Ada said. "Have you been having fun pretending to be me?"

Whispers increased from every inch of the room as patrons watched the events unfold. One moment they saw two Princess Adelines standing together, the next there was one Princess Adeline and one Petra Brewer. What was going on?

Richard Dartmouth reached for the sword sheathed at his hip, anger rising in his chest. How dare someone try to pass as his daughter? How dare someone lay a finger on his daughter's head!

"Now let's just everyone calm down," Beatrice Brewer stepped out from the crowd, raising her hands into the air in an attempt to ease the tension. "We don't need anyone doing anything reckless now, do we?"

"What did you do to my daughter?" Richard raised his sword, ready to strike the woman down right where she stood, only to have Aldous thrash the king's sword away with his very own.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, mate," he told the king. "You'd just be extra carnage."

"What is going on here?" Uther demanded, his gaze frantically moving around the room.

"Come now, Uther. I am sure a man with your mental capacities can figure this out," Beatrice cackled, making her way up the steps to where the king of Camelot stood.

"Sorcery," Uther seethed, teeth bared in complete disgust.

"Very good," Beatrice grinned, stopping right in front of him. "A gold star for you, your excellency. Now, to business."

Adeline almost collapsed into Arthur's arms as she witnessed the crazed woman flick her wrists in the air, freezing everyone around them in place. Everyone except for her, Arthur, Andrew, and Petra. There was no way she and Arthur were going to get everyone out of there to safety. What was Beatrice planning on doing to them? Kill them all?

"You have made many enemies, Uther Pendragon," Beatrice leaned her head forward to the immobile man. His face permanently held an awful scowl. "I will be treated as a hero among them being the one to finally end your ways of terror against our kind."

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