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Arthur was dumbfounded. His back on the ground, and a sword at his throat. He'd lost. He couldn't remember the last time he'd lost a sword fight. The knight above him lowered his sword, offering him a hand. Arthur had no idea who the man was, but he was impressed.

"Congratulations, Knight Andrew!" The crowd rose to their feet, cheering for the knight.

"You are a very skilled fighter," Arthur said to the man. "A well deserved win."

"Thank you," Andrew said. "You are definitely one of the best I've ever fought. I thought you had me there a few times."

Grabbing his sword from the ground, Arthur made his way back to the tent. A humbling moment that may have been, but it still stung. Arthur hated to lose.

"Can't win them all," Merlin commented as the prince entered.

"Is that supposed to cheer me up, Merlin?" Arthur asked, motioning for the servant to help him take off his armor. "If it is, you're doing a terrible job of it."

Merlin remained silent, helping Arthur out of his armor he was sure to have to clean tonight. Thankfully, the next tournament wasn't for a few days. Even better, Arthur wasn't going to be competing in it. That would be less work for him to do.

"Artie," Adeline announced, entering the private tent with Chloe in tow. "I'm sorry you didn't win."

"Here, Merlin; let me help you with those," Chloe took some of the armor overflowing from his arms. "Ada is going on a ride with Anna, so I'll have plenty of time on my hands. The two of us can clean these up in a jiffy."

"You are? By yourselves?" Arthur stared at Adeline. "It's dangerous."

"We'll be fine, Arthur," Adeline reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We're just going on a small ride. Anna and I will be back by dinner."

"You'll take some knights with you, won't you?"

"Arthur, I love you and the protective nature of yours, but Anna and I will be fine for two hours at most," she pressed her lips to his cheek. "Save a seat for me at the feast."


Anna chased her older sister on horseback through the front gates of Camelot towards the surrounding forest. She missed the wind flowing through her hair after staying inside the castle walls over the last few days. If she had her way, Anna would always be riding her horse. Exploring kingdoms far and wide. The sisters raced through the trees before finally deciding on a lovely open field to take a much needed break in. Together, they ran towards the blooming wildflowers in the middle of the field.

"I beat you!" Anna declared, climbing on one of the large rocks scattered around the area. "Finally, something I best my sister at!"

"You won fair and square," Adeline gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"You're just old," Anna joked, taking in the beautiful scenery. "You don't get a view like this within the city's walls."

"No," Ada sat beside her sister, taking in the beginnings of the evening's sunset. "No, you don't. How have you been getting on with everyone in Camelot?"

"They're fine," Anna answered, her eyes focused on the sky. "Kenric and Wolfe are fun to play with. Wolfe is really good at hide and seek."

"He is rather cute," Ada nudged her little sister's shoulder, causing Anna's cheeks to turn crimson.

"Ada! He's four years older than me," Anna gaped.

"And?" Adeline cocked an eyebrow at her. "Arthur is older than me."

"Not by that much," Anna huffed. "Besides, I'll never see him again after the festival anyway."

"You never know," Adeline turned her attention forward again, leaving her sister to her thoughts.

Adeline missed the moments she spent with her sister. When they were younger, she and Anna would spend hours outside exploring, riding, and messing around with Johnathan. Back when life was simpler. Now that Adeline was of age, she had more responsibilities. Preparing her to be queen one day. At least she would have Arthur by her side. The rules queens and kings followed stressed her to no end.

"Ada, I'm getting hungry," Anna broke her running thoughts. "Can we go back to the castle? Dinner should be ready, right?"

"You got it, kid," Ada laughed, getting to her feet and brushing the dirt off her riding pants. "I hope there's pudding."

"Ohhhhhh! Yes, I want some, too!" Anna cried out in excitement. "Pudding and chicken. Yummy!"

"Come on, you weirdo," Adeline pulled her sister along to their horses, who'd been grazing beside them.

"I'm not weird. You're the weird one," Anna retorted.

The ride back to Camelot was slow and easy. Enjoying the final moments of calm and quiet before returning back to the loud, bustling city. Right before the pair arrived at the gates, a sudden rustling sound just beyond the trees spooked the horses. So much so, they almost tossed Adeline and Anna to the ground.

"What in the world?" Adeline said, getting Star back under control. "Anna, are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, Maybelle and I are fine," she answered. "What was that all about?"

"I don't know," Adeline eyed the trees, dismounting her horse. "Stay here and don't make a sound."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Anna asked, taking Star's reins. Adeline shushed her, creeping slowly towards a large bush where she could take cover and find out what caused the horses to jump.

"Are you sure you weren't followed?" Adeline heard a feminine voice not far away from her hiding spot.

"Yes," this time a male voice spoke. "I was sure not to be followed."

"Very good," there was a pause in the conversation, but Adeline was positive the couple was sharing an intimate embrace by the kissing sounds she'd heard. "I'm so proud of you. You were magnificent today."

"Anything for you, my love," the man said.

"Did you bring the vial?"

"Right from the blade. It should be enough, yes?"


"One drop would be enough," the woman let out a sickening cackle. "Yes, this will do nicely. Now we can continue on with the plan."


What in the world was going on?

Adeline's eyes widened. Was this what Chloe and Merlin were talking about? They overheard two women talking, didn't they? This had to be something else. Whatever was going on, she needed to get back to Merlin and Arthur.


Destined to Be | Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now