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The festivities remained and those outside the castle remained in high spirits; the atmosphere inside the castle was anything but. For two days, Adeline's unconscious state persisted, no matter what Gaius and Merlin tried. Mary stayed by her daughter's side. She dared not move, just in case a miracle happened causing her to wake. The situation wasn't looking good, but she prayed and hoped her little girl would wake up soon.

On the third day, Mary, with the help of Chloe, freshened up the room. They replaced the flowers on the small bedside table, they opened up the large windows to let in some fresh air, they dusted, and changed the princess into a new dress. Two days in the same outfit was a definite no-no, let alone three no matter the state of the individual.

The doors to Adeline's chambers opened loudly, causing the two women to stir in surprise. No one, other than Giaus and Merlin, was expected to come into the room today.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion," Arthur said, closing the doors quickly behind him. "The king would like you to join him in the council room. Chloe, I can take over for a while. You deserve a much needed break."

"We can't leave her. What if-"

"I will alert everyone if anything changes," he insisted.

Mary and Chloe shared a look before reluctantly nodding their heads. They were tired, and a change of scenery was probably for the best.

"If anything, and I mean anything, changes with my daughter's condition, you get us right away," Mary stressed.

"Of course," Arthur agreed, watching the women leave the room. "Oh, Ada. Everything's a mess."

The prince approached the princess' sleeping form, taking a seat in the vacant chair at her side. He took her cold hand in his and squeezed. This was the first time he'd stepped foot into Adeline's room since she'd been brought in. He felt terrible. His father might have meant well, keeping his son occupied with all kinds of duties so his mind wouldn't worry too much, but enough was enough.

"No one knows what to do," he continued, stroking his thumb over her knuckles. "Giaus and Merlin are researching around the clock, trying to figure out how to wake you up. But they haven't had any luck. Obviously. Our parents are beside themselves. Your mother and Chloe haven't left your side until I all but kicked them out. We all miss you, my love."

A deafening silence filled the room.

Arthur hated it.

Whoever did this to Adeline was going to pay. There was no denying that fact. Adeline meant so much to so many.

"Chloe, Merlin, and I are looking into Petra. She's the only thing that makes sense on what caused all this. We can't tell my father about it without any proof of course. Unfortunately, I think she's on to us because we haven't been able to catch her alone doing anything suspicious. She's always with her knight or a small group of friends, but we will get her. She'll slip up soon. Until then, all we can do is wait."

With his free hand, Arthur ran his fingers through her hair. If he hadn't witnessed what happened to her, he would have just assumed she was in a deep sleep. She would wake up and they could begin discussions on their wedding. He knew she was very excited to start planning it, even if the parents found out a lot quicker than either of them wanted.

"I love you so much, Ada," he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. "Please, come back to me."

Gently, Arthur pressed his lips against hers, two small tear drops falling onto Adeline's cheeks. This could be the very last kiss they shared, and that thought broke the prince's heart. After eight long years, they'd been reunited. Only to be stripped away by sorcery for a reason yet to be understood.

Destined to Be | Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now