Giving Up

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Chloe had a tic. Anyone who knew her well could tell you. If the young woman was in any kind of a nervous state, she cleaned. Not just any type of cleaning, either. When the maidservant was anxious, she would set her sight on a cleaning project and not stop until it was completed.

Her project was to make Adeline's room spotless.

For the last 24 hours, Chloe organized and reorganized the clothing in the princess' wardrobe. She cleaned the floor and aired out the linens; anything to keep her mind off of the sleeping woman lying in bed a few feet from her.

The realization that the woman sleeping in Adeline's bed was very much not Princess Adeline made Chloe's mind go into overdrive. Every possible scenario crossed the young woman's mind for when the impostor woke up. None of them were good. She wished Merlin was there to accompany her. She would feel so much better if she wasn't alone. But Arthur had Merlin running important errands.

Unbeknownst to the maidservant, a pair of eyes fluttered open while her back was turned. It took a few moments before she got her bearings. The last thing she remembered was collapsing into Johnathan's arms after trekking through the forest for two excruciating hours. Now, she was lying comfortably in bed.

"Ch- Chloe," her throat was raw.

The blonde jumped in surprise.

"Ada!" Chloe exclaimed, rushing to her bedside. "Do you need anything? Does anything hurt? What do you remember?"

"W-water, please," she whispered, gesturing to the pitcher at the bedside table.

"Of course," Chloe helped her with the glass. "I'm going to get your parents, Uther, and Arthur. They told me to get them once you woke up."

The woman nodded slowly as Chloe left the room as quickly as she could. Lifting her skirts, Chloe darted towards the throne room. The throne room seemed to be the only place the Pendragons and Darmouths stayed in these days. Luckily for her, everyone she needed to find was there.

"She's awake!" Chloe slammed the double doors open.

Chloe had never seen Mary Dartmouth move so fast in the years she's known her. The young woman jumped to the side of the room with a tiny squeak just to make sure the queen didn't trample her over. Richard followed right behind his wife with Uther not too far behind, leaving Chloe and Arthur.

"Do you have a plan?" Chloe asked. "My heart was racing so fast, I feared I was going to be attacked when she woke up."

"If this is indeed an impostor and has a nefarious plot against us, I'm sure she will try her best to make sure we all believe she is genuine. You don't need to fear being attacked," Arthur said. "At least, I hope not. Merlin, right on time."

"I can only assume the reason why the kings and queen are running is because the princess is awake," Merlin said from the doorway. "Chloe, you are as white as a ghost. Are you all right?"

"I'm just so nervous," she shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "What if I say something wrong, and I ruin everything? She'll know we know."

Arthur watched his manservant console the young woman. Merlin pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly while whispering comforting words into her hair. The prince was slightly impressed. Somehow, the young man was able to calm the woman down enough for her cries to simmer down to small sniffs.

Eventually, the three joined Mary, Richard, and Uther in Adeline's chambers. Uther must have called for Gaius, as the court physician was on one side of her bed, checking the woman over again now she had woken up.

"Arthur, we were wondering when you were going to join us," Uther said. "Surely, you are over-the-moon knowing your betrothed is alive and well."

"Of course I am, Father," Arthur put a smile on his face. "I just thought it would be appropriate for Ada's parents to have some time with her."

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