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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter. 


The next morning, Merlin took his usual route to Arthur's chambers. Cautiously, he opened the door, peering inside to make sure everything was clear. Too many times he'd stumbled upon sights that no one should see early in the morning. To the sorcerer's surprise, not only was Arthur alone in his chambers; he was dressed as well.

"Why do you make me come here so early if you're just going to get dressed yourself?" Merlin asked. "I could have used thirty more minutes."

"If I have to suffer waking with the sun, so do you," Arthur answered, tying the laces of his black boots. "We're in for a long day."

"How thoughtful of you," Merlin said.

"I thought so," Arthur replied, cheekily. "Come on, we have to meet my father for breakfast today."

"Future king business?"

"Most likely."

"You don't sound too excited," Merlin said, following the prince out of the room towards the great hall.


Uther Pendragon listened intently as Lord Theodore and Lady Isabella discussed trade with both the Beckett and Dartmouth families. The king was very lucky there was no large port in Camelot that he had to control and protect. Enough went on within the border without having to think about pirates. He admired the Fischer's greatly for how smoothly they ran their business.

"Unless we have a horrid winter, all transports should arrive with ease," Theo told the two families.

"Sounds good to me," Gregory grinned, downing his drink. "I'm glad we were able to re-negotiate our deal. This is so much easier than traveling back and forth between our lands. That would take months."

"I concur," Richard raised his chalice. "Uther, I don't know if you planned negotiation talks during this event, but it's going swimmingly. Ah, look who finally decided to join us."

"Arthur, just because we are celebrating does not mean you get to ignore your responsibilities," Uther scolded his son.

"My apologies," Arthur said. "It will not happen during the remainder of the festival."

"See that it doesn't."

"Uther, cut the boy some slack," Mary said. "Arthur has the rest of his life to deal with boring political discussions. Let him enjoy the fun while it lasts."

"More importantly," Richard spoke. "When are you going to make an honest woman of my daughter?"

In a normal situation, Arthur would have frozen on the spot in complete embarrassment. Having known Richard Dartmouth all his life, he was used to the king's bluntness. However, the remaining couples surrounding him were making the prince feel slightly uncomfortable.

So much for discussing a private matter in private.

"Really, dad? You couldn't trust us to come and talk to you in private about this? You had to blurt it out for the entire kingdom to hear?" Adeline appeared before the group, dressed ready for the archery competition. "I guess we can't surprise them now, can we, Artie?"

"No. No we can't," he shook his head in agreement.

"Sweetheart, is there something you and Arthur need to tell us?" Mary questioned her daughter.

"Come now, mother. Don't be coy with me," Adeline teased. "I saw the smirk on your face when Arthur and I rejoined the banquet the other night. No need to play dumb."

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