Pure and True

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The sheer amount of merchant stands was overwhelming. There had to be almost one hundred of them. Adeline wasn't going to count by any means, but if she had to harbor a guess, the number would be close to one hundred.

"You can't be serious," Adeline laughed at Arthur as they made their way through the large crowds of people. "You fought a knight with an enchanted snake shield? That's crazy!"

"Believe me, if it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it either," Arthur joined in her laughter.

"I wish I could have seen it," Adeline added, browsing through the jewelry that caught her eye. "Bet it was quite the sight. Terrifying, too, no doubt. You know, I hate snakes."

"You would have run away, screaming like a little girl," the man took note of the piece the princess was eyeing.

"Rude," Adeline said, examining the pendant in her hand. "This piece is so pretty. I've never seen anything quite like it."

"That's because it is one-of-a-kind, my dear," the elderly woman running the stand answered, approaching the two nobles

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"That's because it is one-of-a-kind, my dear," the elderly woman running the stand answered, approaching the two nobles. "The only one in existence."

"Really?" Adeline asked.

"Oh, yes," the woman replied, taking Adeline's hands into her own. "This pendant belonged to an enchantress long ago. The enchantress was in love with the town's blacksmith and he was madly in love with her. He made this piece of jewelry specifically for her as a promise to never be apart. In turn, the enchantress placed a spell on the jewel in the middle, a spell that would cause it to shine brightly whenever a couple whose love is pure and true come into contact with each other. Unfortunately, the blacksmith and enchantress' story was never meant to be, for they both died of plague a few months later."

"That's so sad," Adeline said

"A bit bold having such a piece like this in Camelot, is it not?" Arthur asked the woman when she let go of the princess' hands, handing the pendant back to her. "My father loathing magic and all."

"It's just a story passed down through the generations, Prince Arthur," the woman told him,

smirking slightly when she saw the stone start to glow between the prince and princess. "But perhaps some of the story has merit."

Adeline's eyes widened, noticing the glow, too. It grew more and more vibrant with each passing second. Luckily for her, Arthur seemed to be distracted and did not see the magic happening.

"Just to be safe," she reluctantly placed it back down on the table. "Thank you, it is a lovely piece. As much as I love your father, Arthur, I don't want to take any chances. Let's go find you a replacement sword."

Arthur watched Adeline make her way over a few stands.

"I'll-" he was immediately met with the old woman handing him the wrapped pendant. "That was fast."

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