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Adeline was out of breath by the time she reached Arthur and Merlin. Both were discussing something or other while eating dinner with everyone else. Eyes were on her and Anna briefly as they raced through the doors covered in dirt and sweat. Very inappropriate attire for a meal with other royalty. No woman would dare be caught in riding clothes during dinner time. Not that the two Dartmouth daughters cared.

"Ada, what's wrong?" Arthur enveloped the distraught princess into his arms.

"I need to speak with the two of you," she glanced around the room, noting the onlookers turning their attention back to themselves and their conversations. "In private."

"Don't you want to eat anything? You must be starving."

"This is more important," she pulled both their arms into the adjoining room, closing the doors behind them for a bit more privacy. "You are not going to believe what I overheard when Anna and I were coming back from our ride."

"Does it have anything to do with- you know," Merlin asked. "What Chloe and I heard?"

"I want to say yes, but it wasn't two women I heard talking. I was a man and woman," Adeline paced in front of Arthur and Merlin, hands clasped behind her back. "You think the two women you heard pulled a man into their scheme?"

"Well, nothing happened today like they said when Chloe and I eavesdropped," Merlin answered. "What did you overhear?"

"They weren't doing a lot of talking," Adeline turned her head slightly in embarrassment. "But what they did say, or what the woman said, was something about a vial and a blade. He got something off a blade, and gave it to her in a vial."

"It has to be blood," Arthur commented. "What else would someone want bottled up? There was nothing else?"

"Nothing. I got Anna and raced back here as fast as I could," Adeline told him. "What can a vial of blood do anyway?"

"A lot," Merlin stated as a matter-of-factly. "Dangerous magic is done with blood."

"That's reassuring," Arthur and Adeline said together.

"What can we do? We still don't know who these people are."

"We wait, and keep an eye out to see if anyone is doing anything suspicious," Merlin replied. "Until then, try to stay positive."

"What could go wrong," Arthur joked, offering his arm to the brunette princess. "May I escort you to dinner, my lady?"

"You may," Adeline smiled. "I'm dying for some pudding."


The next morning, Morgana, Adeline, Eliza, and Thalia, along with Gwen and Chloe, strolled through and around the Citadel. Morgana, giving Eliza and Thalia, a proper tour of the grounds.

"I don't think I could ever remember where everything is in this place," Thalia commented. "I might even be more confused and lost than I was yesterday."

"That's just the wine talking," Eliza laughed from beside her. "You know you don't need to drink an entire bottle at breakfast."

"Where's the fun in that?" Thalia asked, motioning directly to the building in front of the group of women. "There, that's probably one of the only places I need to know the location of. The Rising Sun."

"You sound just like Gwaine," Morgana and Gwen stated together.

"That's the devilishly good-looking knight with the long hair, yes?"

"Figured you'd know him," Eliza snorted, pushing her friend past the tavern. "You'll have plenty of time to occupy the place later. Morgana still has a lot to show us. The tavern's not even open yet."

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