Wedding Blues

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Mary Dartmouth knew this moment was coming, but she couldn't help herself. There was no way she could fight it off. Just like the engagement party, tears welled up in her eyes as she watched her daughter stand in front of the Throne Room full of council members, family, friends, and other invited guests. All squeezed together to witness not just the coming together of two kingdoms, but the coming together of two people who loved one another with their entire being. Something not as common as it used to be.

Richard handed her his handkerchief much sooner than anticipated. He thought for sure she would have made it to at least the vows before shedding a few tears. She thanked him quietly so as not to disrupt the ceremony and dabbed some of the tears away. They'd only just started and the queen was a right mess. Adeline was growing up so fast. Soon, she'd be queen herself, ruling Camelot at Arthur's side.

Mary couldn't help but remember when Adeline was a little girl, going on and on about her future wedding and how she wanted it to be. Back then, Adeline made list after list of who she would want to be there to experience her big day. Then there were the food lists, the flower lists, the decor lists, and lastly, the dress lists. Her daughter could never think of the perfect dress back then. Not that Ada needed to at the time, but Mary was sure her actual one would be something like those had been.

Sure, Adeline's tastes changed from childhood, but some were just a little too much of a change. It was almost as if she was a completely different person. Mary didn't understand, but it was her daughter's day. As long as Adeline was happy, Mary was happy.


The dress was a dead giveaway.

Anyone who knew Adeline well knew she would never wear, let alone be seen, in something so hideous.

Earlier that morning, Eliza commented on just how gross the dress was. Questioning her best friend's decisions right before one of the most important days of her life. How could Adeline lest something so horrendous touch her skin?

Fake-Adeline didn't like that very much, and very loudly kicked Eliza out of her room, demanding the Becketts stand all the way in the back of the room for the duration of the ceremony.

Surely, Eliza would have picked up on something being wrong with her friend after the exchange, but Anna wasn't so sure. The girl's eyes wandered towards the far end of the room, landing on the Beckett family. Though far away, Anna could clearly see the tears streaming down Eliza's face. She was supposed to be right by Ada's side.

Anna wanted nothing more than to rip off the stupid dress she was forced to wear, run over to the other princess, tell her how messed up everything was, and explain to Eliza that everything was going to be all right. She, Merlin, Chloe, and Arthur were going to reveal to everyone that the person posing as her sister was an impostor.

Just a little longer and everyone would know.

"Stop fidgeting," Jonathan placed a hand on her shoulder. "It looks like you forgot to use the bathroom this morning."

"Sorry, I was trying to get a good view of the people in the room. I can't believe Ada put Eliza all the way in the back. She was supposed to be up here with us, along with the rest of her family."

"Yes, well," her brother said. "I am not too keen on that decision either, but it is Adeline's big day, and what she says goes."


Arthur's heart was pounding. And not in the way it was supposed to on his wedding day. As he stared into the eyes of the Fake-Adeline, all the fears he had of everything going wrong in the attempt to foil her evil schemes, flashed before his eyes. She along with Beatrice and Aldous. He had the smallest suspicion they figured out he was onto them, knew Adeline was rescued and healing in the Court Physician's chambers, and they somehow were going to hurt Ada again.

The prince inwardly shook at the idea, but he had to have faith. He had to believe this was going to work. If he didn't, all their planning would have been for nothing.

"It has to be Andrew impersonating him," Adeline hypothesized the day before while pacing the floor of Merlin's room. "But how-"

The princess paused, bringing a hand swiftly to her forehead and groaned loudly.

"What's wrong, Ada?" Arthur was on her in an instant, enveloping her into his arms. "Does something hurt? We were making such progress."

"The ring," she eyes widened in realization. "Andrew was wearing a red ring on his finger while pretending to be you. How could I have forgotten such a major detail? It's not like I saw it every day for weeks! I bet he's got another one. This one is what makes him look like Aldous."

"So, the ring must be enchanted in some way," Merlin spoke from his bed. "Get rid of the ring and the wearer will go back to their normal selves. I bet that's what the blood was for. Get the blood of the person you need to turn into."

"Makes sense," Chloe agreed from the doorway.

"And I bet you ten gold pieces, Petra is wearing one, too," Adeline's eyes narrowed, remembering their last encounter together. "When we do this, she is mine."

Arthur's fingers toyed with the blood red ring on Fake-Adeline's finger while their hands were clasped together as the Officiant went through the ceremony. Ada was right. She always was, of course. The ring that kept Petra Brewer fooling everyone in the castle had been sitting on her finger the entire time, but not for much longer.

The knights at Arthur's side were donned in their Camelot best. Swords included. Though there was push back, Arthur won out, knowing he would need the extra man power if things ran south. With Beatrice standing only a few paces away from her daughter, he knew that's exactly what was going to happen.

"If anyone believes these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace," the Officiant proclaimed.

One second passed.

Then another.

The silence was deafening and Arthur thought for a brief moment that something was wrong. Something happened to Adeline. He thought they were screwed, until the large wooden doors slammed open, all eyes darting to whoever dared to interrupt such an event.

"Yes, I have a few words I would like to say."

Whispers broke out immediately from the spectators while the woman's heels clicked loudly against the floor, making her way to the front of the Throne Room. Her dress billowed behind her as she walked with a purpose. Head held high, staring down at the woman standing in her place.

"What is the meaning of this?" Uther shouted.

"I am Adeline Dartmouth. Daughter of Mary and Richard Dartmouth. Sister to Anna, Nicolas and Johnathan Dartmouth, and that woman standing with your son is an impostor."


Let's get ready to rumble!

Not super happy with how this one turned out, but it sets up the next chapter well. 
Anyone have any idea how the next chapter is going to go down, or how they would like the confrontation to happen?

Don't forget to vote and comment!
The more this chapter receives, the quicker I update. 

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