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"You swam after the thieves to get the ship back?" Gregory Beckett asked from the head table. "Did you have a death wish at the time?"

"No, no, of course not," Lord Theodore laughed. "We just couldn't afford to lose all of the precious cargo."

"How heroic of you," Sabina Heyes commented, the other women nodding along with her. "That must have been terrifying. Isabella, you must have been worried sick."

"I was for a brief moment, but Theo's been in worse situations," the dark-haired woman at Theodore's side smiled at her husband. "I knew he was going to be all right."

Uther Pendragon sat quietly, taking in the festivities happening around him. It had been a long time since Camelot celebrated in such a way. Every now and then, a royal family would come to the kingdom, but nothing to this extent. Truth be told, Uther could not remember when so many people of importance graced these halls.

"You haven't made much of a sound this evening, Uther," Richard chuckled, taking the empty seat next to the king. "Something on your mind, or does this bring back memories of the time when we were-"

"I'm just enjoying the moment, Richard," Uther joined in his friend's laughter. "It's been a long time since there's been a merriment of this kind in Camelot. It's similar to our knighthood days, yes."

"Good times, indeed," Richard agreed. "Now, I'm not sure if you've realized this, Uther, but our children-"

"Have been absent for a while? Yes, I have realized," the king couldn't help but smile.

"How long have the two been gone, Mary?" Richard asked his wife.

"A good hour or so," she replied. "Not that I've been keeping track or anything."

"Of course not, dear," he laughed. "Looks like our plan worked. Cheers to us."

"And what plan is this?" Gerold Heyes asked the man.

"To get our children to fall madly in love with each other," Mary answered. "Although, we didn't have to do much of anything. It was all them, really."

"Anyone with eyes can see the infatuation between those two," Elizabeth Beckett commented.

"Speak of the devil," Mary clutched to her husband's arm, watching her daughter arrive back in the hall arm-in-arm with Arthur. Smiles plastered on their faces. "That looks like a good sign to me. What's say you, Uther?"

"I hear wedding bells already."

Mary and Richard continued watching their daughter make her way through the vast sea of people with the prince at her side. Both of them were smiling at how happy the couple looked. It reminded Mary of her and Richard back in their younger days.

Merlin and Chloe were on the lookout for Adeline and Arthur the minute they snuck back into the banquet after eavesdropping on the conspiracy to overthrow Uther and enchant Arthur. After what felt like hours, Merlin began pacing and chewing at his nails, driving Chloe mad.

"Will you relax?" she asked. "You're making me dizzy with your pacing."

"It helps me stay calm," Merlin told her. "We need to warn them before something bad happens."

"You heard the one woman. They aren't going to do anything until tomorrow," Chloe reminded him. "Just be patient. I'm sure they'll be back in no time."

"You said that hours ago!"

"It was twenty minutes ago," she tisked, grinning once she spotted the pair. "See, there they are, and nothing looks out of place."

"Come on," Merlin grabbed her arm once again, heading straight for the prince and princess. Grateful they were somewhat away from any wandering ears. "Arthur, Adeline, we need to talk to you. It's important."

Destined to Be | Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now