With You

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"I can't believe you're going riding without me!" Anna whined, following her sister around her chambers while she got ready to go out with Arthur. "Are you sure I can't come?"

"Anna, we just went on a ride," Adeline laughed, lacing up her riding boots. "I'm sure you will be able to keep yourself entertained. I'm sure Wolfe is around the castle somewhere. Why don't you ask him-"

"La la la, I can't hear you! La la la," the young girl stuck her fingers in her ears, dancing around the spacious room.

"Do I want to know?" Chloe asked, entering the room to help Adeline get ready.

"Just young love," Adeline teased her sister. "What do you think, Chloe? Simple green or-,"

"I think this little beauty will do the trick," Chloe pulled out a beautiful dress.

"It's gorgeous, Chloe," Adeline ran her fingers over the light blue fabric. "But I don't think this would be appropriate for what Arthur and I are going to be doing. I just needed a shirt for my riding pants. Maybe for dinner when we get back."

"Really?" Chloe asked. "You're sure you don't want anything with more access- I mean, more flow?" The maid turned a bright scarlet forgetting that the younger Dartmouth daughter was in the room with them.

"What does that mean?" Anna questioned.

Damn it.

"Nothing," Adeline all but shoved her sister out the door. "I'll tell you all about our ride when we get back."

"Ok!" Anna's voice echoed from down the hall.

"I am so sorry, I completely forgot she was here!" Chloe collapsed onto the bed. "She's as quiet as a mouse, that one. She's going to be as big a trouble-maker as you were."

"You are so lucky she'll forget about it in five minutes," Adeline replied. "What do you think Arthur and I are going to be doing anyway? You and Merlin are coming with us for God's sake."

"We could venture off and leave you two alone for a while."

"Chloe, you are absolutely terrible," Adeline scolded her maid, taking out a simple white chemise to go with her black riding pants and boots.

"Oh, please," the blonde laced the princess' chemise. "I know you haven't been sleeping in your room at all since we've arrived. What conclusions should I draw from that, Ada?"

"Just because I am sleeping in Arthur's room at night doesn't mean we're doing anything we shouldn't be."

"You're a terrible liar, Ada," Chloe laughed. "I've known you for forever, you can't pull that on me."

"Worth a shot," Adeline shrugged, tying her hair into a knot on the top of her head.

The duo met Arthur and Merlin at the stables, who'd already prepped the horses for a long day. Chloe beelined to Merlin almost immediately, something that did not go unnoticed by the prince and princess.

"Since when are they all chummy with each other?" Arthur spoke.

"It was inevitable, really," Adeline stroked Star's nose. "We are together a lot, which means they are together a lot."

"I suppose," Arthur eyed Adeline's attire. "You look like you're ready to ride into battle."


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