Runaway Passion

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After an uneventful joust, in Adeline's opinion anyway, everyone dispersed to go on with their day. The citizens of Camelot were heartbroken that the last of the excitement was over, while the royal lords and ladies made their way back to the castle to prepare for the final feast. Some looked forward to it, while others did not. The friendships made over recent weeks would not be forgotten, especially from the younger children. And the realization of them not seeing each other every day hurt.

"And for the final time, we are done," Chloe said, retouching the princess' hair.

"I am so glad this is over," Adeline sighed loudly. "I'm all for a good party, but this was ridiculous. I'm looking forward to our lives calming down for a while."

"Your life will never be calm, Ada," Chloe laughed, tightening the corset once more.

"I can wish, can't I?"

A loud knock on her door averted the women's attention.

"Come in!" Adeline hollered.

The doors to Adeline's chambers opened with Arthur stepping inside.

"Hello, ladies," he smiled. "Are you ready for one final Camelot feast?"

"The final Camelot feast for now," Adeline replied. "I see many more in our future. Don't you, Chloe?"

"Of course," the maidservant grinned. "After a few months of fasting from the last dozen or so we've just gone through. This custom is something both of us will have to get used to."

"Luckily for you, we do not usually host this many," Arthur chuckled. "Only certain occasions."

"Thank God for that," Adeline said, spinning around to make sure her attire was to her satisfaction. "Any more food and I won't be able to fit into any of my clothes. You will have to take me shopping, Artie."

"Oh, we can't have that," Arthur joked, taking her into his arms. "You look beautiful. Shall we?"

"You look handsome, as always," the princess ran her fingers over the red fabric of his shirt. "Let's do this."


Mary stood beside her husband and Uther, trying her best to remain calm and still. Richard placed a hand on her shoulder, also trying to get her to stay still. The excitement she felt for her daughter made it hard to focus. Yet, at the same time, sadness started to creep into her heart. Her baby girl was growing up.

This wasn't even the wedding ceremony.

Mary Dartmouth was in deep trouble.

Before them, at the end of a long line formed by the other royal families and friends, the hall doors opened. Arthur and Adeline stood tall across from their parents with smiles on their faces. The two really did make an adorable couple. Never in Mary's wildest dreams did she think, all those years ago, her daughter and Uther's son would actually end up together. Match-making never worked out in such a way. These two; this was a fairy tale.

"Mother, are you all right?"

Mary shook her head, clearing her thoughts. How did Adeline and Arthur cross the room so quickly? And when did she start crying?

"I'm all right," she answered, wiping a stray tear away from her cheek. "I'm just so happy."

"And this is only an engagement party," Richard chuckled from her side. "Are we going to have to tie you up in your chambers for the wedding until it's over?"

"Nonsense," Mary shook her head. "I'm fine. You both look lovely."

"Now then," Uther spoke, his natural voice booming through the room. "The guests of honor have finally arrived. I propose a toast."

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