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Birds chirped loudly from outside the prince's window the following morning. Much, much too early in the morning in Arthur's opinion. With a groan, the man rolled over to his side and reached for the warm body lying beside him. Only, there was no warm body lying beside him. Just empty sheets. One blue eye opened then the other when he realized he was alone in his bed. Alone for a long time the prince gathered by how cold the spot beside him was. Where did Adeline go? Arthur's mind immediately went into overdrive as he jumped out of his bed, racing to the wardrobe to put on a pair of black pants.

"Good morning, Arthur- what are you doing?" Merlin took in the chaotic scene from the doorway.

"Have you seen Ada this morning?" the blond asked, frantically tossing a clean white shirt over his head.

"Ummm, no," Merlin answered. "I was sure I would see the both of you passed out from last night's activities when I stepped in here five seconds ago. I'm glad I was wrong. Maybe she went back to her room?"

"Maybe," Arthur hoped, pulling Merlin down the hall along with him.

"Clearly you don't think so," Merlin said, both of them turning the corner to see Chloe coming toward them with a large breakfast tray.

"Good morning, gentlemen," she smiled at them. "I take it you are feeling back to your normal self, Sire. I'm glad to see that. I thought it would be nice for you and Ada to have breakfast in bed this morning. I bet both of you are starving. Still sleeping, is she? You must have really done a number on her."

"Chloe," Arthur huffed. "Are you telling me Ada isn't in her room?"

"No," she replied. "But I didn't check. I just assumed that she was with you."

"Come on," Arthur continued down the hall, pushing the chamber doors open with all his might. Only to be met with a barren room. It was completely empty. The bed was still made up from the day before. "Oh no."

"Ada isn't still sleeping in your room, is she, Arthur?" Chloe asked, seeing the alarm grow on his face.

"Alert Mary and Richard. I'll get my father," Arthur instructed. "No one is leaving Camelot until Ada is found."


"What do you mean my daughter is missing?" Richard exclaimed. His face twisted in a gnarly scowl.

"Meaning none of us have seen her since last night," Arthur seethed. "I went to go check on her after I woke up, and she was not there. Chloe came in to bring her breakfast, and she hadn't seen her either."

"Maybe she went on one more ride before we left for home," Mary spoke up, trying to keep herself from thinking of the worst-case-scenario.

"No," Arthur shook his head. "Ada would have told someone or left a note for one of us to find. There was nothing in her room."

Arthur couldn't tell the adults the real events that took place that morning. This was the closest thing the three of them could think of in such a hurry before they could break the news. Fortunately for him, Merlin, and Chloe only Arthur's father and Ada's parents were awake.

"Then what do you think happened?" the three adults stared at them. "Clearly, you have a theory."

Arthur, Chloe, and Merlin looked at one another all thinking the same thing. Who was going to be the one brave enough to make the accusation? Luckily for Merlin and Arthur, it was Chloe who had the guts.

"The sorcerer who put Adeline into the deep sleep is behind this," the maidservant asserted with her head held high. "We've been trying to find a way to tell you, but we never could get enough evidence for you to believe us."

Destined to Be | Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now