What Happened

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A soft mattress.

Smooth sheets.

Warm blankets.

A fluffy pillow.

Adeline's eyes sprung open at the realization she was in fact not still in her place of kidnap, but lying in a clean, comfortable bed back in the city of Camelot. Arthur saving her was not a dream, it was real. Her vision slowly came into focus, taking in the familiar controlled chaos of the Court Physician's chambers. A loud sigh escaped her lips and a warm tingling sensation filled her chest. A feeling she all but forgot about over the last few weeks. It was a very welcoming feeling.

The princess slowly saw up in her cot, absolutely astonished at how much better she felt. The aching in her arms was completely gone. She would have to look into a mirror to see how the scars and burns were faring, but her legs; she could feel her legs. How was that possible? Gaius was a magician. He had to be. Adeline couldn't think of any other possible way she could have healed so quickly.

"Princess Adeline, I am thrilled to see you awake," Gaius smiled at the woman warmly, a small plate of food in his hands as he sat in the chair at her bedside. "I did not expect you to wake up so soon, but that is a very good sign. How are you feeling, my dear?"

"Better than a woman who's been chained to a stone wall and abused for weeks on end," Adeline answered, her fingers playing with the clean sleeves around her wrists. "You really know what you are doing, Gaius. Uther needs to give you a raise. I feel wonderful."

"I was just doing my job, my dear," Uther smiled, placing the tray of food on the side table for the princess to nibble on. "Merlin and Arthur helped a great deal last night, too."

"Arthur was here?"

"He did not leave your side until this morning," Gaius chuckled. "Merlin is on his way to get him now."

Like clockwork, the door burst open with Merlin stepping inside and Arthur following right behind him. Initially, at the sight of Arthur's blond hair, Adeline's eyes widened in fear and gripped the sheets around her waist until her knuckles turned white.

The prince noticed her reaction and froze in place, seeing the terror in her eyes. It physically pained him to see the look in her eyes for a second time. The reaction that he caused.

"Ada," he whispered. "It's me. I promise."

Her chest started heaving, and the usual defense of crawling backwards to get away proved to be pointless.

"Adeline," Merlin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's the real Arthur. You can trust him. He would never hurt you."

She couldn't explain it, but as Merlin said those words, a cool, calming sensation trickled down her spine.

"It's all right, Adeline," Gaius added. "We would never let anyone in this room that wishes you any harm."

The princess gave a nod, taking in the look in both men's eyes. In the short time Adeline got to know Merlin and Gaius, she knew they had her best interests at heart and never put her in harm's way.

"I'm- I'm sorry," Adeline released her death grip on the bed linens slowly, keeping her head down in shame. "I know you're not, Artie. But I think Petra and Beatrice succeeded in making sure my wounds were not just physical."

"You never have to apologize to me, Ada," Arthur cautiously made his way to her bedside. "You've been through so much in the last few weeks, and I can only imagine everything they did to you."

"I still shouldn't react in such a way," she shook her head. "I know it's you. I do, but my brain is- is so confused."

"It's all right," he grabbed a hold of her shaking hand, kissing her knuckles delicately. "We will get through this together. No matter how long it takes."

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