The Families

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Not a chapter, but I figured for everyone's sanity, I'd show what I pictured the characters to look like. Some we've met already, others will make an appearance shortly. 


Re-posting our main family

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Re-posting our main family. 

King Richard  (40) and Queen Mary (37) Dartmouth
Johnathan Dartmouth (25)
Nicolas Dartmouth (6)
Anna Dartmouth (8)
Adeline Dartmouth (20)


King Gregory (43) and  Queen Elizabeth (38) BeckettNathan (18) BeckettMichael (21) BeckettNathan (18) BeckettEliza (23) Beckett

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King Gregory (43) and Queen Elizabeth (38) Beckett
Nathan (18) Beckett
Michael (21) Beckett
Nathan (18) Beckett
Eliza (23) Beckett


Lady Isabella (41) and Lord Theodore (40) FischerOliver (21) FischerNeville (23) FischerThalia (23) Fischer

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Lady Isabella (41) and Lord Theodore (40) Fischer
Oliver (21) Fischer
Neville (23) Fischer
Thalia (23) Fischer

Where are my OUAT people at? 😁


Gerold (38) and Sabina (35) Hayes

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Gerold (38) and Sabina (35) Hayes

Helen (15) and Astrid (15) Hayes
Wolfe (12) Hayes
Kenric (9) Hayes


Beatrice (40) and Aldous (42) BrewerPetra (20) Brewer

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Beatrice (40) and Aldous (42) Brewer
Petra (20) Brewer

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