The Scheme

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Four villainous criminals were lurking in a secret vent. 

"What use is hiding in the vents of Wayne Manor? It is highly unpleasant" meowed Catwoman.

"Because! Bruce Wayne wants to be in the Millionaires Hall of Fame. Our plan shall work perfectly on him" the Penguin quacked.

"Oh, of course! He is so gullible!" the Joker cackled.

"But then Batman will track us down. How do we deal with him" said Catwoman.

"Catwoman, my dear, it is simple as this. Batman, too, wants to be a hall-of-famer. But he can't unless at least one of those three child wonders get in with him" the Riddler giggled.

"You mean the Three Warriors?" said the Joker.

"Yes. But that's not what we must worry about. It's which one we trick. Those children mustn't come together, or they will figure out our plan in a snap" said the Penguin.

"And what do we do with them, Mr Penguin?" said the Riddler.

"We take them to Wayne Manor. They'll never resist becoming millionaires with Bruce Wayne" said the Joker.

"Oh, yes! Of course! And then we destroy the three of them as well as Batman" said Catwoman.

"But which one do we trick?" said the Riddler.

"The older boy. He won't resist my charm" Catwoman purred.

"No, he's too smart. He'll know everything the second he sees you, Catwoman" said the Joker.

"Then the little boy. I'm sure he'd easily become a millionaire. With that prodigious mindset..." said the Riddler.

"Not him either. He is too prodigious and too young. At that age, boys never think about money" said the Penguin.

"Oh, how delicious it is! We only have one option left and that is the girl!" the Joker cackled.

"Oh, purr-fect! She would never resist that much money. Her husband is nearly as rich as Bruce Wayne" said Catwoman.

"Then it's settled. Joker, you go get her. Catwoman, Riddler, stay with me and work out the rest of the plan" the Penguin order.

"Yes sir, Mr Penguin" said the Joker.

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