To The Airport!

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While Batman and Robin followed the Joker in the Batmobile, Calvin and Charles Wallace exited Wayne Manor through the vents.

"Now what?" said Charles Wallace.

"Now... we follow the Batmobile" said Calvin.

"We'll never make it on foot" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin then saw a rundown pizza truck and said "not unless we're pizza powered".

Charles Wallace looked and said "Awesome, Cal!"

The two boys got into the truck.

"Do you know how to drive this thing, Calvin?" said Charles Wallace.

"Sure I do. I'm a car salesman. I'll drive, you navigate" said Calvin.

"Okay... They're at a red light! We can catch them" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin started the engine and off they went.

"Which way, bud?" he said.

"Left! I mean right! No, left! Left is right!" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin drove the truck as fast as he could and caught up to the Batmobile.

Eventually, they got to the airport.

Calvin and Charles Wallace saw the Joker stuff himself and Sam in a green suitcase and onto a conveyor belt.

Batman and Robin hid in another suitcase and put themselves on the conveyor belt.

Calvin and Charles Wallace decided to do the same.

They hid in a pet cage and a guy put them on the conveyor belt.

"Now what, Cal?" said Charles Wallace.

"Once we go through, we just need to find that case" said Calvin.

When the boys got through, they slid down a ramp and fell out of the cage.

"There's the case!" said Calvin pointing at a green case.

Charles Wallace found another green case and said "No! There's the case"

"You take that one, I'll take this one" said Calvin.

Charles Wallace approached the green case he found.

"Here I come, Sam! Sam, here I come! Sam!" he shouted.

But when he opened the case, he found cameras.

"Ugh! Eh, nice flash though" said Charles Wallace.

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