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Sam and Robin tried to exit the plane, but the door was already closed.

The plane backed up and the lights turned off.

"This is bad" said Sam.

"How are we gonna get outta here?" said Robin.

Sam then saw light coming from the plane's escape hatch.

"Over there. Come on" she said.

She and Robin opened the hatch. It was a long way down.

"Are you sure about this?" said Robin.

"No. Let's go" said Sam.

Robin and Sam tried to climb down from the plane, then Sam slipped.

Before she could fall, Robin grabbed her hand.

"Hold on, Sam!" he sobbed.

Just then, the Batmobile drove up. 

"Batman!" said Robin.

"Calvin and Charles Wallace!" said Sam.

"Are you two okay up there?" said Calvin.

"We're fine!" Sam shouted.

"But how are we gonna get down?" said Robin.

"Sam'll think of something! I know it!" said Charles Wallace.

Then Sam did get an idea. 

"Batman! Get behind the wheels" she said.

Batman backed the Batmobile up until it was behind the plane's tires.

Sam let go of Robin's hand and hovered.

"Holy antigravity" Robin gasped.

Then Sam sprinkled Robin in pixie dust.

"Robin! Let go of the plane" she said.

"Are you nuts? I'll fall" said Robin.

"Just pretend it's the next Three Warriors special on Batman" said Sam.

"But it was cancelled. We never saw if you made it" said Robin.

"Well, then let's find out together" said Sam.

Robin closed his eyes and let go of the plane.

He was flying.

"Yes! You're doing it" said Sam.

The two then flew away from the plane and into the Batmobile.

Batman stopped the vehicle and the gang watched the plane take flight.

"We did it! We did it!" Sam cheered.

"Nice flying, Robin!" said Charles Wallace.

"Thanks, little buddy. That was definitely you guys's best adventure with me and Batman" said Robin.

"Well done, my dear" said Batman to Sam.

"Now let's go home" said Calvin.

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