The Fight

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In Wigglehouse, Sam was chilling with Charles Wallace and Calvin.

"So do you guys know the Wiggles' next show?" she said.

"They leave tonight" said Calvin.

"Why didn't they tell me?" said Sam.

"Oh, I dunno. My guess is Murray wanted to spare you missing him too much" said Calvin.

"Huh?" said Sam.

"He probably did it with good intentions" said Charles Wallace.

"But he and I have never had secrets before and we were gonna go camping with the Wiggles next weekend" said Sam.

"Don't worry, Sammy. As soon as the Wiggles are back, we'll be sitting around a campfire with them and making delicious hot schmoes" said Charles Wallace.

"They're called s'mores, Charles Wallace" said Calvin.

"Right, right, of course" said Charles Wallace.

The Wiggles then walked through the door.

"Kids. We came to say goodbye before our next tour" said Anthony.

"Murray Cook, why didn't you tell me you were leaving tonight?" said Sam angrily.

"Sam, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get upset is all" said Murray.

"I appreciate it, Muzz, but I don't like the idea of keeping secrets" said Sam.

"I don't either, but I had to. I didn't want to hurt you" said Murray.

"By keeping a secret, you already did. We made a promise not to keep secrets from each other" said Sam.

"Oh, Sam..." Murray sighed.

Sam ran outside to get some air. 

Then she came across a crying woman.

Thinking this woman would need help, Sam put on her green Warrior uniform and approached her.

"What's wrong?" she said.

"My dear, I was just thrown out of a singles' party. I need a boyfriend now" said the woman.

Sam didn't know this woman but she did know that she needed help.

"I'll find one for you. I'm an expert" she said.

"Oh, thank you, dearie" said the woman.

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