Crossing the Road

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Charles Wallace and Calvin had been walking all night.

"Cal, can we slow down? We've been walking all night. And now it's morning" said Charles Wallace.

"Don't worry. We might be almost there. Do you remember where the Joker's lair is?" said Calvin.

"Yeah, but I can't say in this state. I need a rest!" Charles Wallace yawned.

"Wait. There's Catwoman. Quick. Hide" said Calvin.

The boys watched Catwoman enter the toy store across the street.

"Hey. Catwoman just went in that toy store" said Charles Wallace.

"Yeah. And if she's in there..." Calvin began.

"So's the Joker" said Charles Wallace.

Just then, a piece of paper flew down and Charles Wallace picked it up.

"Calvin. This is a riddle" he said.

"What's it say?" said Calvin.

"What's black and white and full of fuzz?" Charles Wallace read.

"I dunno. What?" said Calvin.

"A police car" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh, I get it. Do we have to watch out for the police or something?" said Calvin.

"I dunno. But we have to cross the street to the toy store" said Charles Wallace.

"But how?" said Calvin.

The two boys put traffic cones on the road and crossed it safely.

"Well, that was easy" said Charles Wallace.

"Good job, buddy. We're that much closer to Sam" said Calvin.

The two made their way to the toy store's entrance and hurried in.

"Whoa, boy! How are we gonna find Sam in this place?" said Charles Wallace.

"Look for the Joker. We find the Joker, we find Sam. Let's split up" said Calvin.

The two boys split up to look for Sam.

But little did they know, the Riddler was watching them through a surveillance camera.

"They're here. They think she's here" he said.

"What do we do now?" said Catwoman.

"I will take care of the little boy. Catwoman, you take care of the other one" said the Penguin.

"Ooh, red hot warrior, here I come" Catwoman meowed.

"But what do Riddler and I do, Penguin?" said the Joker.

"You keep watching. If anything suspicious happens, you do something about it" said the Penguin.

"Ooh, yes sir!" the Riddler giggled.

So off the Penguin and Catwoman went.

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