If the Tights Fit

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That night, Bruce and Dick wore their Batman and Robin costumes.

"Why are you wearing your suits?" said Sam.

"It's good to be prepared in case the Bat Phone rings" said Bruce/Batman.

"You came here in your Warrior uniform, so what's it to you?" said Dick/Robin.

Sam turned her back and crossed her arms.

Robin realized how he was making her feel and softened.

"Robin. Show her where she'll be staying" said Batman.

In the toy store across the street from Wayne Manor, the Joker, the Riddler, Catwoman and the Penguin were discussing their plan.

"Our splendid idea is working perfectly" said the Penguin.

"Yes. The boys are on their way to rescue that gorgeous child" said Catwoman.

"But she wants to go home. How do we deal with that?" said the Joker.

"We can't just force her into it. We need to handle her delicately" said the Riddler.

"And what about those meddling boys? Do we get them into Wayne Manor so they can become Hall of Famers too?" said the Joker.

"Never you mind, Mr Joker. I have everything under control. We will be the last villains they ever face" said the Penguin.

"Well, they're going to track us down, Penguin" said the Riddler.

"They'll be in this toy store in two shakes of a cat's tail" said Catwoman.

"And we'll be waiting for them" said the Penguin.

In Wayne Manor, Sam was about to escape.

She was really close to getting into the vents, but the TV turned on automatically and her plan was foiled.

She went looking for Batman and Robin and she found the TV remote in front of Robin.

The dynamic duo woke up and saw Sam's angry face.

"You okay?" said Robin.

"What is your problem? Look, I'm sorry I can't help you guys out. Really, I am. But you didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that!" Sam shouted.

"What? You think I did that?" said Robin.

"Oh, right, yeah. The TV just happened to turn on and the remote magically ended up in front of you" said Sam.

"You calling me a liar?" said Robin.

"Well, if the tights fit" said Sam.

"Say that again" said Robin.

"If the tights... fit" Sam repeated toughly.

"Now that's enough, both of you" said Batman.

"Did you do it then, Batman?" said Sam.

"No. I don't know how that television turned on, but fighting about it won't solve anything" said Batman.

"If the other two Warriors were here..." Sam began.

"Well, the fact is they aren't, Sam. So I suggest you wait until morning. All our arch nemeses will be in hiding" said Batman.

"And then I'm outta here!" Sam snapped.

"Of course you are! For that husband of yours!" Robin yelled.

Sam opened her mouth to speak then thought better of it. 

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