We're Finally Going

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In Wayne Manor, Bruce and Dick were back in their Batman and Robin costumes.

"Hot diggity! We're finally going! Can you believe it?" said Robin.

"And we have one of the Warriors with us! First class all the way" said Batman.

"You know what? I'm actually excited about this. I mean it. I really am" said Sam.

"And why shouldn't you be?" said Batman.

Sam and Robin linked arms and danced in a circle.

"Swing your partner, do-si-do" Sam sang.

"Look at you, dancing child" Robin laughed.

In the vents, Charles Wallace and Calvin were still trying to find their way into the actual mansion.

"Hey. How much farther, Cal?" said Charles Wallace.

"I dunno. It could be a while, but we have to do this" said Calvin.

In the mansion, Sam was standing by the fireplace.

"How about giving me a little intro there, Batman?" she said.

"Introducing, the highest flying warrior around..." Batman began.

"You forgot roughest toughest" said Sam.

"The highest flying, roughest, toughest woman here of all time... Sam Pan-Cook!" Batman announced.

Sam walked over to the men like a model.

"Say, Batman and Robin. Notice any trouble around these parts?" she said.

"Nary a bit. Not with Sam Pan-Cook around" said Robin.

"Wait wait wait. I got it. This is great. The Riddler's got the princess tied up in the burning barn! That was the best part!" Sam cheered.

She role-played the rest of the episode.

"Holy ashtray, Sam! You did it!" Robin laughed.

"You betcha, Robin!" Sam squealed.

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