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Sam, Batman and Robin were about to leave, but the Joker, Riddler, Penguin and Catwoman were blocking their path.

"Sam. We meet again" said the Joker.

"What is the meaning of this, Joker?" said Batman.

"Did you tell her to go to Pasadena with us?" said Robin.

"I tried reasoning with her, boys. But she kept forcing me to take extreme measures" said the Joker.

"Wait a minute. You turned on the TV last night! Not Robin!" Sam shouted.

"Very good, dearie, yes" said the Joker.

"And now the three of you have an eternity to spend together in the hall of fame" said the Penguin.

"And also an eternity to spend in our grasp" the Riddler added.

"Let's not start it by pointing fingers, eh?" said Catwoman.

"You want us to go to the Hall of Fame?" said Batman.

"And you tricked me so you could destroy them while they're there!" said Sam.

"How could you do that to such a fantastic girl?" said Robin.

"Children are the easiest to swindle" said the Penguin.

"And we could not stand you two being such sticks in the mud" said Catwoman.

"Well, finally our waiting to destroy the Dynamic Duo has paid off" said the Riddler.

"And no married teenage girl is going to mess that up for us now!" the Joker finished.

Batman and Robin charged at the four villains.

They attacked the Riddler, Penguin and Catwoman with their strong muscles.

They were punching the villains and flipping them and kicking them and they were winning too.

While Batman and Robin were busy, the Joker gagged Sam and tied her up and took her away.

"You are going to Pasadena if it's the last place you go" said the Joker.

Batman and Robin saw Sam get dragged away into another vent. 

"Charles Wallace! Calvin!" Batman called.

"The Joker has Sam. We need to save her" said Robin.

"But how? We don't even know where they're going" said Calvin.

"If anywhere, the Joker is taking Sam to the airport and onto a flight to Pasadena. You two get there quickly. We'll follow you in the Batmobile" said Batman.

"Yes sir, Caped Crusader Batman, sir!" said Charles Wallace.

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