The Villains Headquarters

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Charles Wallace and "Calvin" were still searching the toy store.

"We've searched every inch of this store. It's like Sam's disappeared" said Charles Wallace.

"Have you tried that room there?" said "Calvin".

"No, I thought it was dangerous" said Charles Wallace.

"Try it" said "Calvin".

Charles Wallace parked the car and entered the dark room.

"This room seems weird" he said.

Then he heard "Calvin" whisper something in a strange voice.

"Cal? What's with your voice?" said Charles Wallace.

"Calvin" then let out a quacking laugh.

"Did you just quack?" said Charles Wallace.

The real Calvin and his woman entered the room next.

"Charles Wallace?" said Calvin.

"Calvin?" said Charles Wallace.

"Who's that?" said Calvin.

"I thought he was you" said Charles Wallace.

"No, that's not me. I never carry around eyeglasses and umbrellas" said Calvin.

"And I'm pretty sure you don't quack either" said Charles Wallace.


"He doesn't even sound much like you"

Calvin faced his replacement and said "If you're not me, who are you?"

The guy removed his mask and uniform and revealed himself to be the Penguin.

"The Penguin!" said Charles Wallace.

He turned to the woman and said "And you! You're Catwoman!"

Catwoman revealed herself and said "What a smart little guy. But I did enjoy hearing Calvin's manly voice"

"I knew you were too good to be true" Calvin growled.

"Where is Sam?!" said Charles Wallace.

The Riddler showed his face and said "You won't find her here. You need to solve my riddles to find her" 

He handed Calvin another riddle.

"No, Riddler. Your riddles only lead us nowhere. Where is the Joker and where is Sam?" said Calvin.

The Joker showed up and said "Here I am, old bean! Searching for Sam? She's not in this building" 

"Cal. Wait. Look" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin looked at the riddle. There were two questions on it.

The questions were "what breathes air and doesn't have lungs?" and "who is the biggest billionaire in Gotham City?".

Calvin turned back to the four villains and said "Okay. She's not here. But we know you took her. If we'll never find her, then... we're giving up".

"Huh?" said Charles Wallace.

"It's no use, Charles Wallace. Let's get outta here before something happens" said Calvin.

And the two boys left the toy store.

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