Into the Vents

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"They've given up? Now we'll never get them to Pasadena" said Catwoman.

"No, that boy just has tricks up his sleeve. We must keep watch just in case" said the Penguin.

The boys heard everything that was said, but they exited the toy store and crossed the street again.

"Calvin, what was that? Are we just giving up? We can't if those guys wanna take Sam all the way to Pasadena" said Charles Wallace.

"No, silly. I was tricking those guys into letting us go. I think we know where Sam is now" said Calvin.

"Oh, I see. Where?" said Charles Wallace.

"You're gonna have to help me here. What breathes air with no lungs? That's a vent. But this is where you come in. Who is the biggest millionaire in Gotham City?" said Calvin.

"Don't you know?" said Charles Wallace.

"I don't watch the show as much as you do, bud. Who is it?" said Calvin.

"Bruce Wayne" said Charles Wallace.

"Okay... vents, Bruce Wayne... what could that add up to?" said Calvin.

The boys thought on it for a minute.

"Oh, I think I know. They must have put Sam in the vents of Wayne Manor" said Charles Wallace.

"That's it!" said Calvin.

"And we just crossed the street. So we're right here" said Charles Wallace.

"Okay. We need to get in there and save Sam. But we need the element of surprise" said Calvin.

"Yeah. How do we surprise whoever has her?" said Charles Wallace.

"Uh... do you think we'll be able to get in from the vent?" said Calvin.

"Of course. That's where she is. But how do we get in?" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin thought for a second then said "Remember when we went to the Wiggles' old college?"


"Do you remember how we got in there?"

"Do you think it'll work?"

"I know it'll work" 

The boys went to the side of Wayne Manor and opened the vent.

"Awesome! That was surprisingly easy" said Charles Wallace.

"Come on, buddy. We gotta hurry before Sam gets on the plane" said Calvin.

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