Dick's Story

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In Wayne Manor, Batman and Robin were back in their Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson identities.

Sam had just woken up.

"Oh my gawrsh! It's morning! And all the villains are bound to be away now" she squealed.

"Great. Now you can go" said Dick sarcastically.

He crossed his arms and stomped to the window.

"Well, what a good idea" Sam sassed back.

She was about to leave in disgust, but then she softened and hesitated.

Bruce put his hand on her shoulder.

"Sam? Don't be mad at Dick. He's been through more than you know. Why not make amends before you leave. It's the least you can do" he said.

Sam looked on at Dick who was sulking by the window.

"Alright. But I dunno what good it'll do" she said.

She approached Dick and said "Hey. Watcha doing here by the... enormous glass windows?" 

"I thought I'd have a peek at the city before you fly away from it" said Dick.

"Look, Dick, I know you hate me for leaving, but... I have to go back. All my friends are probably wondering what happened to me. And what if someone needs the Three? Two isn't enough" said Sam.

"Those are better excuses than you husband" said Dick dryly. 

"Would you please stop talking like that about him?" said Sam.

"I'm sorry, but you're leaving fame for your husband who is already famous" said Dick.

"Murray loves me more than his entire career. If you knew him, you'd understand. You see, Murray is a real..." Sam began.

"Let me guess. Murray's a real special guy. And to him, you're a real special girl; maybe more. And when you're with him, it's like... when you feel like nothing... with him, you feel like everything. Because that's how he sees you" said Dick.

Now Sam was shocked. Dick had spent all this time turning down what she and Murray feel for each other, but now he'd got it all right. 

"How did you know that?" she said.

"Because... Jenna was just the same. She was my whole world" said Dick sadly.

He sadly sang about his past love, Jenna.

When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful

Every hour we spent together lives within my heart

And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears

And when she was happy, so was I

When she loved me

Through the summer and the fall

We had each other and that was all

Just she and I together

Like it was meant to be

And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her

And I knew that she loved me

So the years went by, I stayed the same

But she began to drift away

I was left alone

Still I waited for the day

When she'd say 'I will always love you'

Lonely and forgotten, I never thought she'd look my way

But she smiled at me and held me just like she used to do

Like she loved me, when she loved me

When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful 

Every hour we spent together lives within my heart

When she loved me

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