Sam vs The Joker

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Calvin found the green case that had Sam and opened it up.

"Okay, Sam. Let's get you out of here" said Calvin.

The Joker punched Calvin's nose and said "Nice try, boy!"

Sam wriggled free from her ropes and ungagged herself.

"Hey! No one does that to my friend!" she yelled.

She threw the Joker out of the case and onto the conveyor belt.

"How did you get out of that double knot?" said the Joker.

"I have my ways. You have ways too. Just the wrong kind" said Sam.

The Joker stood up and attacked Sam.

They wrestled each other until Sam was the one laying down.

"It's your choice, dear. You can go to Pasadena together or in pieces! If Batman and Robin couldn't defeat me, neither can you! Now get in the box!" the Joker hissed.

"Never!" Sam snapped.

"Suit yourself" said the Joker.

He raised his hand as if to knock Sam out.

But then he covered his eyes as flashes went off in his face.

It was Calvin and Charles Wallace.

Calvin grabbed the Joker and held against the walls of the conveyor belt.

"You kids! Batman and Robin destroy people! You'll all be ruined! Forgotten! Spending eternity rotting in some prison!" the Joker yelled.

"Well, Joker, I think it's time you learned the true meaning of love" said Sam.

She sprinkled the Joker in pixie dust and up he went. 

"What are you doing? Let me down! This is bad luck! This is very bad luck!" said the Joker.

Sam let the Joker fly out the window of the conveyor belt maze and over a nearby building.

Then she swiped away the dust and let the Joker fall through the roof.

"Happy trails, Joker!" said Charles Wallace.

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