Calvin's Speech

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Sam darted toward the exit of the manor.

"Wait a minute, Sam. Villains in Gotham City are the most active at night. I might ask you to wait until morning" said Bruce.

"Fine" said Sam.

"Hmph" Dick scoffed.

"Come on! You can drop the act! Murray wouldn't like it" said Sam.

"Sure he wouldn't. I don't even know him, but he seems controlling" said Dick.

"No! He's the Wiggles' lead guitarist! And probably the nicest guy you'd ever meet" said Sam.

"Your guy is one of the Wiggles?" said Dick.


"Then maybe you oughta go. Let her go, Bruce! I'm sure her Wiggle husband is dying to have some chick who isn't a millionaire for a wife" said Dick with sarcasm.

"Why, Dick, I'm surprised at you. She's married to a Wiggle and that's absolutely wonderful" said Bruce.

Dick chilled a little and said "I guess it is".

"Besides, she wouldn't last an hour on the streets of Gotham City. It's dangerous" said Bruce.

But the danger didn't stop Calvin and Charles Wallace from braving the streets of Gotham City.

"Calvin, I'm getting tired" said Charles Wallace.

"Come on, buddy. Did Sam give up when that science teacher wanted to dissect us?" said Calvin.


"No! And did she give up when Murray was getting killed by those witches?"

"Oh, you had to bring that up"

"No she didn't! We have a friend in need! And we will not rest until she's safe and home! Now let's go!" said Calvin bluntly.

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