Sam Stays

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"Sam, you're in danger here. We need to leave now" said Calvin.

"Batman and Robin are about to go to a hall of fame. In Pasadena!" said Charles Wallace.

"I know. It's okay, guys. I actually wanna go" said Sam.

"I'm sorry?" said Calvin.

"Are you crazy?" said Charles Wallace.

"Look. The thing is... we three are the Three Warriors. And we used to be TV stars WITH Batman and Robin" said Sam.

"Sam, what are you talking about?" said Calvin.

"What am I talking about? Us! Oh, we used to be on Batman. And we were incredible!" said Sam.

She turned on the TV and said "See? Look at us. See, that's us!"

"Hey, it is us!" said Charles Wallace.

"Calvin, it was such a phenomenon! And there was all this merchandise that just got packed up. Oh, you should have seen it. We were on Batman merchandise!" Sam squealed.

"Yeah, you were" said Batman.

"Sam, stop this nonsense and let's go" said Calvin.

"No, Calvin. I can't go. None of us can. We can't abandon these guys. They need the Three Warriors to get into this hall of fame. Without at least one of us, they'll be waiting even longer. Maybe forever" said Sam.

"Sam, we're not crimefighters. We're kids. We don't fight villains as often as they do. And the Wiggles need us" said Calvin.

"For how much longer? They're gonna become so famous that they'll be done with us. And what do we do then, Cal? You tell me" said Sam.

"Somewhere under that green uniform is a girl that taught me life is worth living if you have loved ones. And I traveled all this way to rescue that girl because I believed her" said Calvin.

"Well, you wasted your time!" Sam snapped crossing her arms.

Calvin wanted to talk back, but he turned away.

"Let's go, Charles Wallace" he said.

"But what about Sam?" said Charles Wallace.

"She's not coming with us" said Calvin.

"But the Wiggles are coming home tonight"

"Then we better make sure we're there waiting for them"

Sam turned back and said "I don't have a choice, guys. And I can't believe you're backing out. This is our only chance" 

"To do what, Sam? Get our pictures taken and be loved by people we've never met instead of the ones who really love us? Some life" said Calvin.

And the two boys left.

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