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Calvin was walking alone in one of the aisles. 

"Are you lost, young man?" said a female voice.

Calvin looked behind him and the same woman that Sam was with before was there.

"No. But I suppose you are" he said.

"I am. Would you help me?" said the lady.

"Hmm. I can help you if you won't do anything bad" said Calvin.

"Why should I do anything bad, my fine boy?" said the woman.

"Because the last time I saw you, my friend had been kidnapped" said Calvin.

"That was your friend? Oh, my boy, how sorry" said the woman.

"Hmm" said Calvin.

He knew that this lady was Catwoman, but at the same time, he thought she was telling the truth because of her tone.

Meanwhile, Charles Wallace had looked just about everywhere and he couldn't find Sam.

He went looking for Calvin in a toy car that he found.

"Cal? I can't find Sam here. I was hoping you did" he said.

He did see Calvin's figure, but he was wearing an eyeglass and holding an umbrella.

"Calvin? Where'd you get the umbrella?" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh, I just decided to get one. You know, just in case" said Calvin's voice.

"Uh... sure. Now quit being awkward and get in the car" said Charles Wallace.

The switched Calvin got in the car with Charles Wallace and they drove away.

The real Calvin was still with the lady when he saw Charles Wallace driving with his clone.

"Charles Wallace? He's driving? And that's not me" said Calvin.

"It's not? Then you'd best go after them" said the woman.

"Yeah. I'm gonna do that. You coming with?" said Calvin.

"I fear I must. I need your help, Calvin. At most" said the woman.

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