Change of Heart

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After Dick finished his story, tears were streaming down his face.

"You never forget people like Jenna or Murray... but they forget you" he said.

"Dick. Murray is nothing like that woman" said Sam.

"You really think so?" said Dick.

"Yes. I did know someone who was though" said Sam.

"Well, you ought to be glad you're done with him" said Dick.

"I am" 


"And I was like her for years with Murray"

"You were?"

"Yeah. Then I learned and now we're married"

"That's great, Sam"

"If you want me to stay because of this..." Sam began.

"Sam, you have your whole life with Murray ahead of you. He's worried about you and you have to go" said Dick.

"Now you're letting me go?" said Sam.

"I have to. I really do want you to be happy" said Dick.

"Dick, I..." Sam began.

"Goodbye" Dick sobbed. 

Sam said "goodbye" and opened the vents.

"Farewell, Sam. It's been a pleasure" said Bruce shaking her hand.

"Farewell, Bruce. It was so nice knowing that I was part of your Batman life" said Sam.

She walked through the paths of the vent.

But then she ran into the Joker on the way.

"Sam Pan-Cook. Long time no see, dearie" he said.

"Who are you?" said Sam.

"I am the one who brought you here. The Joker" 

"You brought me here? You're a villain and you brought me to one of the best places I've ever been?" said Sam.

"Well! I'm so glad you like it. But now you're leaving. It's very sad that you're leaving when I could have helped you a great deal" said the Joker.

"Helped me? What do you mean?" said Sam.

"Allow me to shed some light on the subject" said the Joker.

He turned on the lights in the vent and said "If you help Mr Wayne and Mr Grayson get into the hall of fame, you could be great you know. Maybe even as great as that handsome husband of yours"

"What do you know about Murray?"

"Plenty. How long do you think this marriage will last?" said the Joker.

"Forever, I guess" 

"Forever? How delicious would that be. But do you honestly think he'd even notice you in five years?" said the Joker.

"For six years, I wanted that to happen, but it never did. And I'm so glad it never did" said Sam.

"Ah, you are now. But the Wiggles are becoming more and more famous by the day. And there isn't anything you can do about it" said the Joker.

"What's your point?" said Sam.

"It's your choice, dearie. You could go back. Or you can become as famous as the man with Mr Wayne and Mr Grayson. Just like the Wiggles, you will be a Hall of Fame and adored by people for generations" the Joker explained.

"I guess that would be nice" said Sam.

"Yes! What do you say?" said the Joker.

"Normally, I'd object because I was told this by a criminal. But... I guess I would like to be as famous as my husband" said Sam.

"Splendid, splendid. Now go back there and break the mold" said the Joker.

Sam hurried back to Wayne Manor.

"Bruce! Dick! I'm back! I'm back; I've changed my mind" said Sam.

"You're staying?" said Dick.

"Yeah. I realized that Murray would love me even more if he saw me in a hall of fame. And who am I to destroy the Dynamic Duo?" said Sam.

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