I'm Not Going

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"Now it's on to the Hall of Fame" said Bruce.

"Hall of Fame? What hall of fame?" said Sam.

"THE hall of fame. We're being nominated into the Billionaire's Hall of Fame and the Crimefighters Hall of Fame in L.A" said Bruce.

"That's in Pasadena" said Dick.

"Pasadena?! No, no no no no no. I can't go to Pasadena" said Sam.

"What do you mean, Miss?" said Dick nervously.

"I gotta get back home to Wiggletown. My husband, Murray is probably wondering where I am" said Sam.

She showed the boys her wedding ring and said "see?"

Dick gasped and put his hand on his heart.

"She's married" he whispered.

"Great heavens" said Bruce.

Dick started to hyperventilate and panic.

"No. Can't go. This was our last chance! I just can't take it!" he shouted.

"Dick... Dick" said Bruce.

"I won't back out when we're this close!" Dick sobbed.

"Wait. What's the matter? What's wrong with him?" said Sam.

"Well, we've been accepted, but they made us wait for a long time. For you" said Bruce.

"Why me?" said Sam.

"All three of you. The Hall of Fame wants to add some original and forgotten crimefighters too. They want at least one Warrior. Without you, we'd have to wait longer. It's that simple" Bruce explained.

"And you showed up only to run out on us! How could you?" Dick shouted.

"Look, I'm sorry, but this was all a big mistake. You see... I was in this singles' party" Sam began.

"Singles party? Why were you in a singles' party if you have a husband?" said Bruce.

"Well, I wasn't supposed to be there. I was trying to help another woman when..." Sam began.

"Was it because you're hurt? Did this Murray say something harsh or keep a secret from you?" said Bruce.

"Well, yeah, he kept secrets and it was unusual, but... no! No. No no no. He didn't mean to" Sam stuttered.

"Sounds like he really loves you" said Dick sarcastically.

"It's not like that, okay!? And I'm not going to any hall of fame!" Sam yelled.

"Well, I'm not gonna wait any longer!" Dick yelled back.

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