Saving Robin

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"Wait! Where are Batman and Robin?" said Calvin.

The two boys found the case Batman and Robin were hiding in and opened it up.

"We got Sam" said Calvin.

"Thank heaven" said Batman.

"Let's get you to Wiggletown" said Charles Wallace.

Batman was able to get out of the case, but Robin was stuck. 

"Oh no. Robin!" said Sam.

She grabbed Robin's hands and said "come on".

"Sam! Help!" Robin cried.

The case slid down the ramp at the end of the conveyor belt and Robin was put in a trailer attached to a motorcycle.

"Robin!" Sam snapped.

"I'll go find him in the Batmobile, Sam" said Batman.

"Go for it" said Sam.

Batman hurried back to the Batmobile.

"But what if he can't find Robin?" said Calvin.

"Well, we can't go home without him" said Sam.

"And their only hopes would be us" said Charles Wallace.

"Us. That's it! We can do it! We can help Robin!" said Sam.

"Yes we can! We've helped him before" said Calvin.

The Warriors put their arms in and said their oath.

Calvin: Any time!

Charles Wallace: Any place!

Sam: The Three Warriors...

All: Are on the case!

"Let's go!" said Sam.

She sprinkled the boys in pixie dust and they flew after Robin.

Sam stowed away in another case.

"What do we do?" said Charles Wallace.

"You wait for Batman and tell him what we're doing. I'll go find Robin" said Sam.

The cases were thrown onto the plane and Sam escaped her case and hurried to Robin's.

She opened the case and she did find Robin.

"Pardon me, mister, but I believe you're on the wrong flight" she sassed.

"Sam" Robin sighed hugging his new friend.

"Come on, Robin. It's time to take you home" said Sam.

"But what if the Wiggles don't like me?" said Robin.

"Nonsense! The Wiggles would love you! And they've fought some crimes, righted some wrongs and saved some lives too" said Sam.

"They have? Holy bravery! Why didn't you say so?" said Robin.

"I dunno" Sam laughed.

"If they've done all that and they're main thing is happiness... they must be fantastic" said Robin.

"Of course they are" said Sam.

"Then I'm in. Let's go!" said Robin.

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