The Merchandise

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Sam, Bruce and Dick were watching the Three Warriors on Batman.

The three kids were trapped in the Riddler's lair.

"Will Batman and Robin get there in time? Will the Warriors escape? These and many other questions will be answered tomorrow. Same time, same channel" said the narrator.

"Alright! Alright, next tape!" said Sam excitedly.

Dick sadly turned off the TV.

"Hey, wait. What happened? What happens next? Come on, let's see the next episode" said Sam.

"That's it" said Bruce.


"You three were deleted from the show after that" said Bruce.

"Wait wait wait. What about us defeating Catwoman and the Penguin and the Joker... we were great on your show! I mean, why delete us?" said Sam.

"Popular demand. People were complaining that you weren't in our comic books and were demanding to keep me and Dick working alone" Bruce explained.

"I know how that feels. But still, the Warriors on TV! I mean, look at all this stuff!" said Sam.

She was looking at a counter of merchandise.

"Didn't you know? Why, you're valuable property" said Dick.

"Oh, I wish Charles Wallace could see this" said Sam.

She looked at a yo-yo that matched the Warrior colors.

"These are our colors on a yo-yo!" she said.

Then she looked at a toy where you throw a ball and hit one of Calvin's teeth.

"Hey, nice teeth, Cal" said Sam throwing a ball.

When the ball hit Calvin's mouth, he lost a tooth.

"And yet, still a good looking guy" Sam laughed.

Then she looked at a bank that stores change.

"Awesome" she whispered.

Then she found a toy where Batman's head was pushable and his utility belt had a hole.

"What do you do? Do you push the head?" she said.

When Sam pushed Batman's head down, bubbles emerged from the utility belt.

"And out come bubbles. Clever" she said.

The last item she looked at was a Batman record player that played what was to be the Three Warriors theme.

"Oh, wow! We had our own theme song?!" Sam squealed.

"Yes! And now that you're here, we're a complete set" said Dick.

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