- Chapter 1: She told you about me? -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I sit down on my front door step drinking a nice warm cup of coffee and look around the woods it's been one hell of a long morning working on my book and making sure it's ready to be sent to the editor, but right now i need a much needed break. This explains why i'm sitting in my usual spot where i can relax without any interruptions because i can't go to my dads like i normally would do to relax. That's thanks to Bella because since she came here to Forks, she has been nothing but trouble, and everything happened after me and dad told her that i'm adopted. We thought it was time for her to know the truth now that she's mature and that she would be okay with it, but boy, it was me and dad wrong. It made her hate me more than she already did, and she went as low as telling me i'm not a really Swan, which hit a nerve. She also said that i'm nothing but a burden on dad, and i'm the black ugly swan, which made me hate myself. That day is when i stopped going to dad's and locked myself in my house that i brought with my inheritance. When i did that, she got herself attached to the Cullen family's hip, trying to make me jealous that she is close to the family that no one else could get close to. She was always around their house which is only a five minute walk away from my house and i could hear her laughing and screaming which i knew was put on because there is no way someone can laugh that freaking loud.

Well, she was always around the Cullen's house until they left unexpectedly, and i heard from dad that she started to have nightmares, which made her scream and wake him up almost every night. That isn't exactly a good thing because he is an officer and needs to be alert at all times when he is on his shift. Then she started to hang around with Jacob, who now hates me too for some unknown reason. Knowing Bella, she has probably got her hooks into him and spat a bunch of lies. Her nightmares stopped or screamed the house down, and dad finally got a decent night sleep at last. She still hates me with a passion, and i truly don't care about that because she is just going to make herself look like a fool in the end. I am just glad that she is behaving for dad since she knows i will kick her ass if she ever crossed a line with him. Her good behaviour didn't last long though because i got a call from dad two days telling me that Bella suddenly left to go to Italy when he was at work, and he only knows this because she left him a freaking note telling him she had to go to Italy with Alice to stop Edward from doing something stupid.

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