- Chapter 6: Please let me explain -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

Edward drops her ass on the floor, and then he vamp speeds behind the couch, standing directly behind me. I watch as Bella gasps for breath while glaring at me, and that makes dad hiss at her for her lack of respect. She is really testing everyone right now, and i can't wait to see who snaps first because she really needs a good ass beating. I smirk when i see Charlie looking at her in disapproval, and she looks down at the ground when she sees it, leaving me biting my lips so i don't laugh at her. After a silent couple of minutes, Bella gets up just as i use my power's to conjure up a cuppa tea in my hand and start drinking it. Everyone looks at me in awe again, making me feel like a monkey in a zoo and when i look at Bella she is now glaring at me from her stop on the couch where she is now sitting.

"Edward, come sit with me. i am your girlfriend." She suddenly whines

"Your no girlfriend of mine anymore, not after threatening to get Victoria to attack my sister. You're not even my mate, and we are over, so keep your ass over there away from me!" Edward snarls out while glaring at her

"Edward!?" Esme gasps in shock

"Son, calm down. we won't let Victoria hurt Aria. You have my word." Carlisle said, being honest

"I have heard that before." Charlie said, making me smirk, but everyone looked at him, confused

"Guys, stop being so protective. You're all just like my friends. I don't need to be protected against Bella because i have countless of power's. I can handle one little weak ass Bella." I said, smirking

"I am not weak!" Bella snapped angrily

"Then what happened at the ballet studio, Bella? Did you or did you not get thrown around like a rag doll, and didn't the Cullen's have to save your weak ass!?" I snapped back

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