- Chapter 15: What the hell just happened -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I look down at Bella with a satisfying smile on my face because right now she is curled up in a ball on the floor with a broken nose, a split lip, blood all over her and so many more injuries after my beating. She deserved it all and sonmuch more. She shouldn't have been so disrespectfully to me and my family also she shouldn't have called Rosalie a whore. The only down side from the beating is my ears are ringing from her crying for the Cullen's to help her but they didn't even move and they don't even look upset that i beat her. That's how i know they don't even want her around them at all and she definitely did push her way into their family with out even thinking about anything. I look at Edward who is looking at me then at my ribs worriedly i give him a reassuring smile, great my soul brother is going to be very protective.

I kick her one last time then vamp speed back over to the fire where my family are still standing once im by my mate's side i go to say something but the front door opens and in walks Charlie holding something close to his chest. Suddenly i hear a heartbeat not a ordinary human heart beat it's slow very slow and sounds like a humming bird just like mine. He removes his coat with one hand that's when i see what he is holding, a baby a very small baby which is covered with a blanket which is obviously keeping the baby warm and protected from the unpredictable Fork's weather. He looks around when he sees Bella on the floor he shakes his head looking disappointed at her because he knows it takes me a whole lot to snap and when i do snap it isn't a nice thing to witness. Then he looks at me and smiles then he slowly but carefully walked over to me. When he gets infront of me he uncovers the baby and what i see makes me smile there is a gorgeous sleeping baby.

"A baby?" Ashton said softly with curiosity in his eyes

"Why have you got a baby?" Dad asked looking confused

"I got a call from a friend of mine that this baby girl was abandoned at a undercover supernatural orphanage not far from here. They didn't know what to do with her as she isn't just a simple supernatural being she is a hybrid the same type of hybrid Aria was before she turned into a nightwalker. I thought you could adopted her and raise her because you have already been through everything she is yet to go through, Sweetheart she needs you." Charlie said looking at me with his eyes filled to the brim with hope

I heared gasps of shock from everyone in the room except Jane, Alec and Ashton they are also looking at the baby girl with soft eyes they don't even look upset that i am being asked to adopt a baby they look excited. I look back at the baby as i got flashbacks of everything i had to deal with growing up and i didn't want this baby to deal with that alone she needs to be raised by someone who knows what she is, what she is going to face in the future. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me, Jane and Alec being this little miracles mummy, mama, daddy and Ashton being this little girls big brother but i need to know alot of things first before i tell Charlie my decision.

"She is like i was? Do you know who her parent's are?" I asked not taking my eyes of her

"Her parent's were friends of your parent's that's all i know and yes she is half sorceress half vampire" He said looking at me with a small smile

"Beautiful." Ashton mumbled looking at the baby girl with love in his eyes

"What happened to her parent's Charlie?" Dad asked sounding sad

"They were killed by a nomad vampire who was trying to kill this little one to use her to take out you guys so he could be king but don't worry before her parent's died her mother used her last breath to kill the nomad vampire." He said making me very angry how could anyone use a baby!

"Yes we will adopt her" Jane blurted out looking at the baby with love shining in her eyes

"No one will hurt her anymore." Ashton said strongly

"But you have to keep Isabella away from us and the Cullen's. She has took it to far this time that's why she is currently on the floor. We won't want her around our daughter she is to unpredictable and unstable." Alec said not taking his eyes off the baby who is now our daughter

"There is one more thing you need to know her vampire side is unlocked she will grow at a rapid pace she will need a bottle of human blood every other day so be ready for her not to looking like a baby tomorrow and yes i will keep Bella away from you guys as much as i can if she does come round you have my permission to do as you see fit." Charle said looking at all of us with honesty in his eyes

He places our daughter in my arms making sure i am holding her properly then he kisses mine and the baby's forehead. Then he hugged my mate's which made me smile at how accepting he is and he gave Ashton a hug. He goes over to Bella and he picks her up putting her over his shoulder then walks out my house while telling us he will get all the paperwork done for us. I look at everyone only to see the Cullen's sat there in shock except Edward he is looking at my daughter with love and longing shining in his eyes the same love i see in Alec and Jane's eyes when they look at me. That's when i know why he is looking at her like that and i let out a loud hiss and glare at him while holding our daughter tighter to my chest.

"NO! NOT OUR DAUGHTER WE HAVEN'T EVEN NAMED HER YET!!!" I snarl out loudly making my mate's snarl too

"Not my sister!" Ashton snarls and stands infront of me

"What the hell happened one minute Aria is beating a bitch up the, Charlie walks in with a baby, Ashton just called said baby sister and now she is yelling at Edward?" Emmett asked in shock and confustion

"You know what just happened because you just said what happened." Rosalie said while smacking Emmett around the head

"Well this just got interesting" Jasper said with a smirk, god rhay vamp likes the tea!

"Damn major you like tea don't ya." I said still glaring at Edward



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