- Chapter 7: But i tried everything -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I take a deep breath while thinking about how the hell i'm going to word all this. I can't just come straight out with i had a hysterectomy and had a baby by surrogate with my friend being the sperm doner. That would literally lead to more questions than answers, so it looks like i will have to start from the beginning. I look at everyone, hoping that this doesn't end badly and none of them leave me for making such a decision. I take another deep breath and sit on the edge of the couch, feeling my heart start to beat erratically.

"Take your time, little one, and calm down." Caius said softly

"I want to start from the very beginning." I said quietly

"That's fine dear, start where you're more comfortable." Marcus said with a small smile

"It all happened when i was sixteen years old, i started to get severe pain in my lower back, between my hip bones, and in my lower tummy. Charlie took me straight to the hospital when the pain got too much for me, and we both hoped it was just a part of growing up, but the results were far worse than we suspected. I had cervical cancer, and it had progressed to the stage that the normal treatment for that wouldn't be able to fight it. So i made the heartbreaking decision to have the only suitable eggs removed from my cervix to freeze them, hoping one day i could be a mother, which is something i have alway dreamed of being. The doctors told me that pregnancy might not be possible because of the cancer, but i didn't want to lose hope. After my eggs were removed, i had a hysterectomy to remove all the cancer, which was successful." I said with tears streaming down my face

"Oh my god!" Jane said with vemon in her eyes

"Princess -"

"Let me finish, please." I begged knowing if i stop know, i won't be able to finish explaining

"Okay, princess." Dad said sadly

"Then, when i was nearly seventeen, i went searching for anything to find my biological family, and i ended up in mysic falls where i met the Mikaelson family and Damon Salavtore. They fast became friends of mine and helped me try to find whatever we could about you guys, but after four months, we couldn't find anything. The pain of the hysterectomy and the pain of not finding anything got too much for me, and i fell into a zombie like state. Klaus and Damon worked their asses off to get me to open up to them so they could help me through the mental pain i was going through. When i did open up to them, i told them all about my dreams, which were to find my biological family and to have a child of my own, then i told them why i couldn't have a child of my own. Instead of being heartbroken for me, they set themselves a mission for that dream to come true, and within two months, they came to me with an idea. The idea was for me to have a baby by surrogacy and for Klaus to be the sperm doner since he thought it would make me comfortable knowing someone i trust was the father." I said, smiling at the flashback i got of Klaus literally begging on his knees to let him be the father so my dream can come true

"You tried searching for us." Caius said with vemon in his eyes

"Why didn't i see this in your thoughts or memories?" Dad asked worriedly

"I blocked them out so Edward wouldn't find out since he can read anyone's thoughts without permission." I said, looking down at the floor

"Everyone needs to stop interrupting. Aria, you can continue because i know there is more." Marcus said softly

"I agreed with Klaus because i knew with him being the father i wouldn't feel embarrassed by the littlest things. I had only one condition, and that was him to turn me, so i could be with him and his family forever because they became very important to me. We find the perfect surrogate a couple of months later, who was a witch to carry our baby, and she did it without question once she knew the reason for us asking her. She carried my son for nine long months while living with Klaus, and she gave birth to my health son without any problems. Ashton weighed 8lb 3oz and was growing fast, which made me and Klaus very worried, but the witch calmed us doing saying everything would make sense soon enough, and after today i know why he is fast growing. He is a powerful quadbrid. A cold one, werewolf, sorcerer, and nightwalker all rolled into one. Now, a little over a year later, he looks like a fifteen years old teenager." I said completely, finished with my explanation

"I need to give you the biggest hug ever, and thank Klaus for helping you through your pain while helping your dream come true." Dad said as he got off and kneeled in front of me on the floor

"I just want my son." I said sadly

"Why isn't he here with you, baby?" Alec asked softly

"He wasn't safe around Bella, so Klaus and i decided that he would stay with him until i could spin a story that Bella would believe. Which didn't work because Bella won't believe anything i say." I said with tears in my eyes

"Well, we are here now, and we will help you come up with a story. So you and Ashton can be reunited." Caius said, determined

"But i tried everything." I said with tears in my eyes

"You didn't use us in your story. If you did that, then she would have believed you straight away. Your story could be that Ashton is your cousin and is a special gifted cold one." Marcus said thoughtfully

"That could work, but we need to see what Ashton and Klaus think about it first because i won't make Ashton do something he doesn't feel comfortable with and Klaus won't want Ashton to be put in danger." I said sternly

"Little one, why don't you go get some sleep because i know that explanation took a lot out of you, and you essentially betaing Bella's ass has left you exhausted. We can talk about this tomorrow when Ashton and Klaus are here." Caius said worriedly

"You're right, but please don't make a mess or break anything while im asleep." I said tiredly

"We promise." Dad said softly

"Good night, everyone." I said the yawn



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