- Chapter 12: To rest in peace and quiet -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I scream in pain as Carlisle finishes wrapping a bandage around my ribs, and he has even put an IV in the back of my hand for some pain relief. I am definitely still slightly human because this pain is proving that every second that passes. Charlie did tell us briefly that i have enhanced healing, but because i have only just unlocked my cold one and sorceress side, it will take a while for it to kick in. So these bandages and pain relief are a must until my enhanced healing kicks in which i hope is soon because this hurts like a bitch. Carlisle finishes putting his doctor things away, then he puts a cushion under my head and puts a blanket over me, making sure i am comfortable on the couch. Then he left the living room only to reappear a couple minutes later with everyone else who was at the fight, and all of them looked worried except Bella od course. Jane, Alec, and Ashton rush over to the couch and kneel beside it while everyone else just stands around the room like freaking statues.

"Are you okay, love?" Jane asked, looking worried

"I will be okay when my enhanced healing finally kicks in, baby." I said, holding back a groan

"You're stupid. Brave but stupid." Ashton said, shaking his head

"Oh, i know that now. I should have let the newborn get the damn wolf." I said through grittered teeth

"That wolf didn't exactly say thank you for risking your own life to save their life." Ashton said angrily

"Oh my god, stop being such a baby. You're a vampire. you're not even hurt." Bella scoffed out

"She is a tribrid, which means she's still slightly human because of her sorceress side and can still get injured!" Rosalie said to her with a hiss behind each word

"If i was you i would shut your bloody mouth before i shut it for you bitch!" Rebekah snapped next

Seeing Bella stand there smiling at me like she is happy that i got here makes me so angry because this bitch really thinks i got hurt for her when i reality i got hurt for the ungrateful she wolf. I feel the familiar tingle in my hands as the anger builds and builds since she just doesn't know how to stop. I have no idea what i have done to her for her to treat me like this or for her to hate me the way she does because i have always been there for her. I look around the room trying to distract myself from blow up in rage but nothing works, not even looking at my mate's or son works and that's when i blow up in rage.

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