- Chapter 8: Write the note first. -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

The first thing i notice when i open my eyes is that my hearing is ten times better because i can hear dad and my uncles talking downstairs. My eyesight is just as better as my hearing because i can see every little detail that i couldn't see before, like the hairline crack on my window. I lay there for a while, trying to figure out what is going on, and then i remember my baby is coming today, and he will be bringing Klaus with him. I need to get the house as clean as i can and make sure everything breakable is hidden away because Ashton and Kol like to play fight a lot. Without a second thought i jump out of bed and head for a shower to relax alittle before i go into cleaning mode plus i might talking to dad to see if he knows why my senses have suddenly enhanced. Once i finished in the shower, i got dressed (outfit above), then i went downstairs, where i find everyone sat around whispering among themselves, and i can hear them perfectly like they're talking normally which is werid. Suddenly, as the wind blew through the open windows, a scent of leather and roses hit me full force, making me stagger backwards. I follow the scent straight to Jane and Alec, who are now looking at me with curiosity. The scent alone is making me want to kiss them, hold them, spend every waking moment with them, and never let them go.

"Dad?" I asked, not knowing what the hell is going on.

"What is it dear?" He said, looking up at me

"I smell leather and roses. The scent took me here." I said, tilting my head

"Little one, you unlocked your sorceress power's yesterday. The scent you're smelling is Jane and Alec's mate scent. You are recognising them as your mates." Caius said with a smile, and my eyes go wide while i see venom gather in Jane's eye, and Alec's eyes go glossy.

"My mates." I said in shock

"Your mates." Marcus said, looking pleased

"Mine!" I find myself hissing out

"Yours, we are yours for all eternity, my love." Jane said as venomous tears roll down her cheek

"Always yours forever, darling." Alec said with a hundred watt smile

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