- Chapter 21: Not to hurt our son. -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

After the Cullen's and Charlie left, everyone else decided to help me pack all my things while Jaylee was asleep. Every time a box was taped shut or furniture was moved by the door, Klaus and Elijah vamp speeds my dad's private jet. They didn't want me to worry about moving them in the morning or to stress about something that i shouldn't stress over. Ashton packs a travel back for me and Jaylee saying how he wants this journey to be comfortable for his mom and little sister. I cooed at him for being my sweet baby boy, which made him blush and practically run away, saying he needs to check on Jaylee. Rebekah and Kol are in my office packing up my office since they didn't want anyone else to pack my important still in case something gets broken. Uncle Caius focuses on packing up the kitchen, saying he doesn't trust anyone to pack up the sharp objects without doing something stupid. Alec and Jane are in my bedroom packing because they don't want anyone else going into my room touching anything they shouldn't. Then dad and Uncle Marcus are vam speeding around packing anything else that needs packing, staying out of everyone's way as they do. Demon goes to my reading room to pack all my books, mumbling how that should be Elijah's job since he is the bookworm, which makes me giggle.

It didn't take long for everyone to finish packing what they wanted to pack and to be put on the private jet. Now, all that has to be done is to pack Jaylees bedroom when she wakes up. No one of us wanted to go into her room in case she woke up because a tired toddler on a plane is not a good idea. So here i am using whatever uncle caius left in the kitchen cooking a big breakfast with Rebekah for everyone that can eat, that is because cooking for my mates, dad, and the rest of my family is pointless. While we are cooking, Ashton and Alec are waking up Jaylee since it's now time for her to wake up. Everyone else is standing around talking among themselves, and i even see Alice standing with Rosalie writing in a little note pad. I'm so glad i asked them for help with the orphanage because now i know they will take this seriously and will help with everything i need help with. I also see dad talking with Klaus, Carlisle, and Esme, who seems to be holding building plans in her hands. Before i could ask what they were, Jaylee came running into the kitchen looking bigger than she did yesterday, and if Rebekah wasn't standing slightly behind me, i would have feel backwards my ass in shock.

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