- Chapter 9: About that, it's tomorrow. -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

Once Bella and Charlie walk into the living room, i finally take my eyes off the floor and look directly at the Cullen's because i want them to see first. When they see my eyes, they all go wide-eyed, and not one of them take their eyes off of me, which makes my family hiss at them. Jane and Alec shake their heads at the Cullen's as they grab my hands and walk me over to the couch. They sit me down either side of me while the others stand around me protectively. Caius is stood next to the couch beside Alec, and Marcus is stood next to the couch beside Jane. Then dad is slightly stood in front of me but not enough to block my view of the Cullen. Demetri and Felix are standing behind the couch, probably to stop any possible attacks from behind. Then doing that seemed to have snapped the Cullen's out their shock because they stopped looking at me and looked at Bella and Charlie, who were standing by the balcony doors.

"Why are they here? I thought this talk was about me." Bella snapped out

"They're here because Victoria is now after Aria, thanks to you!. You need to respect them, or are you incapable of showing the respect people deserve." Rosalie hissed angrily, and i giggle, knowing im not the only one that hates Bella with a passion

"Rosalie, im sure Bella will respect our guests because her father will not stand for her lack of respect." Carlisle said, glaring at Bella

"You're right Carlisle, Isabella remember what we spoke about last night? You step out of line once, and you will be going to military camp until you learn how to respect people." Charlie said, giving her a stern look

I finally look over at them, and Charlie smiles at me when he sees my new appearance, but Bella sees my eyes she steps forward, looking at me angrily. She probably she thinks i have been turned, and i know she is going to say something very stupid in 3. 2. 1.

"You turned her! I want to be turned too! Change me now!" She yelled out, stamping her foot like a child

"I wasn't turned Bella, this is who i am, and i'm not explaining myself to the likes of you!" I said coldly, making her step back with fear in her eyes

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