- Chapter 24: Thank you for loving me -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

It's been thirty years since i moved home to Volterra and boy it was the right move for me and everyone else that followed us. I have managed to turn the volturi coven around that much that it isn't known for it's ruthlessness anymore. People don't run when they hear the volturi name they actually come running here for us to help solve their problems from small simple things to a near war situation. Dad has told me how proud of me he is because if what i have done and the whole coven has told me how proud they are that i am their queen. The castle had to be renovated about three times over the years and it might need to be renovated again soon because we have had new members join us. We needed more rooms to hold all the kids everyone has adopted and we needed to add apartments for the adopted hybrids that had their own children. Dad has told me many times that the coven hasn't been this happy in such a long time and it's all because of me which actually made me cry seeing that i have made all their vampire lives better and that's all i ever wanted.

Everyone of the coven mated pairs or single vampire's have found their soul daughter or son and have been raising their children with so much love just like i wanted. Don't get me started on the Cullen's, Mikaelson's and Damon they all have kids of their own or multiple kids as i should say. I have never seen them all look so happy then they have been and it makes my heart leap with how because they all needed their happily ever after. Esme and Carlisle have two twin daughters called Emerald and Charlotte they are half earth elemental, half vampire. I always see them running around the garden with Jaylee laughing and having fun with other kids from the orphanage. Rosalie and Emmett have a son and a daughter called Elliott and Rosette they are a special hybrid half vampire half wolf shape-shifter. You always find them in the woods in their wolf form or they are in the libary with uncle Caius telling him the differences between shape-shifter's and werewolves. Jasper and Alice have triplets two sons and a daughter called Jackson, Joseph and Athena they are half witch half vampire. They love anything to do with medicines so i always find them with Carlisle learning about the medical field.

Uncle Caius has a son called Caleb who is half demon half vampire and boy he loves anything to do with wars and fighting. You always find him in the training room, in the library or talking with Jasper about the wars that he has been in. Uncle Marcus has a daughter who is very special she is half angel half fox shape-shifter. She is always flying around in the woods or in the kitchen cooking everyone who can eat some food. Then there is dad he hasn't adopted another child yet so he just has Aurora and she is just like me, Jaylee and Ashton. She is half vampire half sorceress but she isn't as powerful as us which we do not care about at all, it actually makes us feel protective over her. She is still special like all the the other children here and she grew up quickly just like Jaylee, June, Ashton and Asher did. She likes anything to do with books and painting which made uncle Caius's day because we always find her with him in the art room drawing or painting together and damn it's hard to separate them when they're in that zone.

Then there is me, Jane and Alec we eventually got married about twenty years ago after i had been crowned queen and got the hand of running everything in the coven. Jaylee has grown to be a beautiful girl, she got her power's under control when she was eleven years old and she helps out wherever she can not caring what needs to be done. Edward eventually told her about them being mates and they have been officially togther for about ten years. I have never seen her so happy since she has been with him because all she does is smile. A years after we adopted June and Asher we found out they are very powerful half demon half sorcerer. They are just like uncle Caius son and we always find them in the library with Caleb but we haven't adopted again because we haven't felt another connection but we know we will adopted again when the time comes.

"Mum!!" Asher yells snapping me out my thoughts

I turn in my seat only to see him stood at the throne room doors with the look of distress on his face. I jump out my seat and run to his side then hold his face in my hands checking him over for any sign of injuries.

"What's wrong son" I ask him softly

"Please can you come outside with me, June, Jaylee, Ashton, mama and dad. You have been in here for three days going over the new laws you need a break." He said looking worried

"Lead the way baby you guys are more important then some stupid paperwork. I can finish it when you're all in bed." I said with a soft smile

"Yay!" He said jumping up in the air making me laugh at him

He grabs my hand then pulls me outside where i see Jane chasing Jaylee and June around the garden. Alec and Ashton are sitting there with a flower crowns on their heads which was definitely made by our little Jaylee and June. They always let's them make crowns for them and never question wearing them because the smiles June and Jaylee have on their faces when they wear them are beautiful. Then i see dad and Aurora sat at the picnic bench with books infront of them and i couldn't help but shake my head at them two because they are each others double. Asher pulls me over and pushes me down in between Alec and Ashton then he runs off to help his mama catch his sister's. Suddenly Alec picks me up and sits me down inbetween his legs then wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. I see Ashton stand up then run off to help Asher and he is chuckling the whole time and i am so glad he is happier here.

"Aria thank you for loving me and my sister. For giving us the life we have always wanted we love you." Alec said then kissed my cheek

"No thank you, the both of you. I thought i would never find love and would never have more children but you have both proved me wrong. I have a wife, a husband and four beautiful kids. I love all six of you so much." I said as i watch Jane, Ashton and Asher tackle June and Jaylee to the ground while laughing

My name is Aria Iris Swan/Volturi and this was my story on how i found out the truth about myself and found the loves of my life i just hope the rest of eternity is just as wonderful as the past thirty years has been!



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